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Breaking Plateau 2 Weeks Out

umich101umich101 Alum Member
edited November 2019 in General 364 karma

I apologize to add to the frantic posts that begin as it nears the exam.
But I am taking my first actual test on the 25th, and I am consistently getting -19 with it pretty evenly spread on every PT I've taken since I finished the CC.

I am drilling every LG every day and hoping to get it down to -1/0 before the exam, but even with slight improvements on each test in LG, I go down in LR/RC.

Obviously cannot predict the future, but, does anyone have any tips 2 weeks out? Or am I better off relaxing(/accepting) at this point given the short amount of time?

Thank you in advance.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    I think it is wise to continue practicing, but at a more relaxed pace. Focus on review and timing, and in the week before the actual test cut back a lot. Make sure to stay hydrated and get lots of sleep starting now.

  • Harvey DentHarvey Dent Alum Member
    81 karma

    Umich class of 2018! Nice to see a fellow alum!

  • umich101umich101 Alum Member
    364 karma

    @"Harvey Dent" said:
    Umich class of 2018! Nice to see a fellow alum!

    Go Blue!

    and appreciate that @dbrown2
    Would you say it is worthwhile to take a PT in the week before?
    Thank u!

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