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Learning Lesson from the LSAT

naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
in General 124 karma
Hey Guys, i woke up this morning and had a cool realization that i thought i'd share... So far i've been studying for about 4 months, planning on taking the February exam, with intentions to also take the June exam because i'm still not averaging where i want to be. But as these months have passed by so quickly i've come to realize that this test is indicative of most journeys people take in life towards success. The thing about success is that it isn’t linear. I'm sure some of you already have come to that lesson when finding out that your score doesn't increase per week or per month based on a set amount of studying. Instead i feel like how it really works is getting rid of your ego, eliminating doubt and doing the tedious hard work necessary that will add an invisible .01% everyday. You may not be able to see the results or progress, but it will eventually add up and result in the huge gains. That's why i believe focusing on enjoying the process (instead of solely focusing on the score increases) as much as possible is something that helps prevent that feeling of frustration when you hit a plateau.

Practicing and improving your reasoning skills through drilling and PTs is only part of the process too. Check your ego at the door and embrace the mistakes you make as well. Your ability to look at mistakes as learning lessons and use them to do deep thorough review of both why the wrong answer is wrong and why your reasoning skills led you to that decision is crucial. It's one of the reasons why i'm so grateful for finding 7sage and learning about Blind review. I remember before i found out about 7sage i would be drilling and checking answers, then getting frustrated at myself for the questions i got wrong, and that would end up blinding me from truly reviewing to figure out why.

I feel like thats why some people aren't able to increase their scores. They just get frustrated and give up because they aren't seeing the result they want, while repeating the same identical process over and over again. You need to learn from these mistakes, and realize that the process will take however long it takes, and trust that you will get there. It could be 3 months, it could be 6 months, it could even be a year. It's all up to you. Also it's important to realize that this test isn't the end all be all either. There is much more work to come in law school, and even more work as an attorney. So, how bad do you want it?

For those of you that are taking the February exam this Saturday, i wish you good luck and am excited for what the future holds.

Side Note... whenever i begin to freak out and have anxiety about this test, now i just think of this guy =
and all of it fades away lol


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