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sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
in Logic Games 936 karma

I have just begun the foolproofing process for pt's 1-35 and i am just curious as to how many sections those of you who foolproofed did per day. I was originally planning on doing one a day that way i can keep up with RC and LR while foolproofing but i have not started timed prep tests yet and was hoping to sit for the August exam and have October as a fall back if it doesn't go well. I am concerned doing one per day would put me to early/mid June and then only roughly 2-2.5 months to prep test. Do you guys think that is enough time for pt's? Thanks in advance for your advice and help!


  • Hi! I think how long you need for the PTs phase depends on where you are at now and where you want to get to. Did you take a diagnostic? What is your goal score? Some of the Sage’s around here took a few years to get into the 170s. I’ve only met one person who managed to get to 170 within a few months. I don’t think that’s common. So unless you are very close to scoring your desired score, I tend to think 2.5 months for PTing isn’t enough.

    The way I work fool proofing is to go through 2-4 games and record my time, the date and if I got any wrong. I proceed to do this daily until I get it right under the allotted time. Then I’ll come back to the game about a week later to see if I can still work through it correctly in the allotted time. But the good news is that usually fool proofing LGs is the easiest way to raise you score.

  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    Thanks so much for all the helpful insight! I did take a diagnostic back in February and scored a 143. My goal is a 163. So far LR and RC have come much easier for me than LG so i am hoping foolproofing will help in that area. The strategy you described above sounds great too, thanks for sharing that!

  • You’re welcome! If LR and RC come more naturally to you then definitely focus on fool proofing those LGs. You can increase a good amount by doing that if that’s your weakest section. LGs was my weaker section as well and fool proofing is what got me into the 160s but I did have to work on LR and RC before I moved up any higher. So it’s good that you are going to work on RC and LR while you are fool proofing LGs.

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