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Wildly different diagnostic scores?

chrisgmay16chrisgmay16 Core Member
edited June 2020 in General 10 karma

Hi all! So I recently took my diagnostic test (PT 75 chosen randomly, I know kinda dumb) and got a 153. During the test, I just fell like I was feeling off and my head was kind of foggy maybe? On a whim, I took PT 76 a week later with virtually no review or studying, and I got a 163. I don't know what score I should use as my diagnostic or which is more indicative of my raw abilities. Is the second test not considered my diagnostic because I had already taken a PT and was therefore loosely acquainted with the LSAT? I know that your diagnostic score isn't hugely important, but it's useful to track your progress. Any insight is appreciated!


  • 1058 karma

    Did you have to guess on any problems? This could cause a fluctuation. Maybe you guessed better on one versus the other. That beings said, a score in the 160s so soon most likely means you are off to a great start. It’s possible that feeling off on the first exam impacted your score. If guessing didn’t impact your score a lot I would just take the average between the two exams as your diagnostic.

  • Dkimvisionmaker11Dkimvisionmaker11 Alum Member
    78 karma

    How about taking another one (June 2007) and average the three scores?

  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    It isn't really that important. You should be much more concerned with where you are going than where you are coming from. I would strongly recommend not taking more of the newer tests before starting your prep. Taking tests on a whim is usually not a good idea.

    Given your comments, you are probably starting from around a mid 150s/low 160s level. Either way, both are excellent starting points.

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