Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Should I be concerned that I'm scoring significantly lower in the PT70s? - 7Sage Forum

Should I be concerned that I'm scoring significantly lower in the PT70s?

An_SkywalkerAn_Skywalker Member
in General 160 karma

I've recently made my way into the PT70s, and I so far I've been scoring in the lower 160s and BR in the high 160s. This is freaking me out a bit, since in previous PTs I've managed to average in the high 160s, and even a couple 170s. I'm taking the October Flex, and it's only a couple of weeks away. So if I'm doing something wrong, I need to figure it out now.

I think so far my biggest issue here is with LG and RC, since at least for LR I've been quite consistent with getting -4 and -5s. For LG, however, I've found that the PT70s have more unconventional LGs, and that often makes me unable to finish all the games on time. As for RC, I'm either going through the passages too fast and missing some questions, or I'm too slow and failing to finish the section on time. Either way, I think time is the biggest limiting factor on my LG/RC performance.

That being said, are there any tips on pacing or increasing performance on RC? I didn't go through with the RC Core Curriculum because I joined 7Sage later in my prep. process, so I might have missed something from these videos. Anything helps! Thanks!


  • vinnyowenvinnyowen Member
    79 karma

    I also saw a drop when I reached the 70s and freaked out the few weeks before the August exam. I took a break after one significant drop in scores (thought I was experiencing burnout, which may have been the case), and then took more of the 70s/80s and saw my score bounce back. Although my problem was a bit different than yours, since I saw my score decline mainly due to LR, I still recommend taking more of the recent tests to familiarize yourself with them, and hopefully you'll see your score rise again to where you were before to regain that confidence back. Also, perhaps think about doing what I did and taking a break (I did like 4 days) if you think it cold be burnout.

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