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November Study Group

lester_knopflester_knopf Member
edited September 2020 in Study Groups 36 karma

Hello! I'm looking to form a small study group for the Nov. test. I'm currently PT-ing in the 165 range (BR 176-178) and aiming to get to 171-173. Currently, I'm averaging -3/4 for LR (aiming to get down to -1/2) and -4/5 for RC (aiming to get it down to -3/4. For LG, I'm struggling with time and not getting to the last game (working on it! :) )

I'd love to create a group with people with similar stats. It would be great to sync up on practice tests. I've done PT 60-72, so study buddies around low 70s PTs would be amazing! Trying the cadence of 3/week at least and regularly meeting to review PTs at that similar cadence.

Things I'm personally working on:
- Test-taking strategies
- Difficult Necessary Assumption Qs
- Difficult Disagreement Qs
- Navigating abstract language (difficult argument part, flaw, etc)
- General LR fluency and speed
- Timing/fluency for games
- Reverse engineering Qs and seeing how I could have gotten them correct on RC / generally trying to find something that works on RC

Other deets:
- I'm in Pacific time
- Not sure what a good size is, but something like 4-5?

Feel free to send me a direct message with your situation and we can see if it is a good fit both ways!!

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