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Withdrawn Classes Addendum?

How many withdrawn classes do you need to for it to become a problem? Should you write an addendum for more than 3 Ws? Do Ws matter that much?

Yes or No?
  1. Are more than 3 Ws a big deal?8 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe


  • SRV_LawyerSRV_Lawyer Alum Member
    75 karma

    Hi, I would definitely consider writing an addendum for having several Ws, especially if they are spread out throughout your transcript. Having several Ws can raise eyebrows and if you have a reasonable explanation for them, i think it would be great for admissions to hear you out. However, if they are bunched up in one or two specific semesters, i think it would be more acceptable as it would show that something significant may have occurred in that time period that resulted in those Ws.

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