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1 month improvement

odovek97odovek97 Member
in General 38 karma

With a little less that a month to go until the January LSAT I am wondering how much people tend to increase their scores during the final month of study. Right now I typically am PTing about 164 with my highest being a 167. I am shooting for a 170. I know I have the ability to do it and I just need to really commit and set my mind to it. I have taken off work for the first few weeks of January so that I will be able to solely focus on the LSAT during that time and with working from home at the moment I still have a decent amount of time to study throughout the end of the year.

I'd love to hear about people's experiences during that final month of study and what their actual score was compared to what they were PTing a month prior.

Thanks and good luck to all.


  • grangel00grangel00 Core Member
    49 karma

    I'm in the same boat as you (literally with the exact same scores and goal). This is my first time taking the test so I don't have any advice, but if you ever want someone to study/review with, I'd be down!

  • lsat2021-1lsat2021-1 Core Member
    246 karma

    Following! Im in a somewhere similar boat. I’m scoring around 153 and aiming for 160. Missing points on LR and RC not only because I get a lot wrong but also because I am unable to finish on time. Any advice would be helpful? Thanks!

  • dutchiebrowndutchiebrown Member
    170 karma

    Friendly suggestion, perhaps taking a bit of a break may help. Coming back to see things with a fresh set of eyes. When I get stuck I make myself take a break 24-48 hours and come back rested and I seem to perform better.

  • ValianthopeValianthope Core Member
    26 karma

    I would suggest going through all your PT's and finding out which type of questions you are getting wrong and figure out why.

    Also remember that LG can only be improved through practice so do the old LG games again and again, while working on your timing.

  • 375 karma

    I'm in the same situation. Scoring 168 with a goal of 170. This is my second LSAT. Managing the stress has definitely been challenging. I think reviewing my journal of past LR questions which I struggled with or got wrong and going over those patterns has been helpful for me.

  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    edited December 2020 815 karma

    Sit back, relax, and sip on some mojitos. You got this.

  • odovek97odovek97 Member
    38 karma

    Just an update for anyone curious my past 4 PTs have been a 171, 170, 169, 170. Feeling good and ready to crush this thing in a week!

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