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Is this normal?

themikeryu2themikeryu2 Alum Member
in General 24 karma

I took an untimed written test about 10 times just to get a feel of the lsat before I got into 7sage. My first score was a 141, then in chronological order I scored a 143, 146, 148, then a 155. I switched to 7sage to do my first timed practice test and scored a 146, my second timed test is a 149, and I plan to take another one next weekend. I just wanted to see if I'm behind with my scores, I did notice a jump in my first two attempts of taking the LSAT. Also, does anyone else see an improvement on scores when switching from digital to a written portion? Asking because I have ADHD, and sometimes I feel like I do better on the written version of the LSAT in contrast to the digital version.


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