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Last minute freakout

cmoren21cmoren21 Member
in General 217 karma

Hi everyone. I just need to express this to people who might understand. I keep having minor but frequent freak outs about doing worse on this LSAT than in November. I also can't find much information on what happens if you get a lower score your second time except what I have already read on a previous post about schools just choosing the highest of the two scores to evaluate but it still gives me so much anxiety.


  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @cmoren21 I have watched many of the webinars that 7sage hosts and a few on my own, I have not seen a school that cares a whole lot about a lower lsat score unless it is a major point decrease, but they also said it could be the testing conditions or the day, because you have already proved once that you're capable of X score. I would not be worried about it, chances are you did better than expected. Plus we are over 2 week away from when some took the exam, and you're brain is focusing (assuming) on the few questions it can remember where you were stuck or guessed. BUT it is leaving out all the questions where you did not have a problem and breezed over it and therefore it is not as memorable. Plus I presume that you studied since the November exam, so that increases the likelihood that you did better now than then. I am stressed too that I did worse this exam than last, but then I think I am only remembering the questions that i struggled with and none of the ones I didn't.
    I hope you crushed the LSAT!!

  • cmoren21cmoren21 Member
    217 karma

    @kkole444 said:
    Hello @cmoren21 I have watched many of the webinars that 7sage hosts and a few on my own, I have not seen a school that cares a whole lot about a lower lsat score unless it is a major point decrease, but they also said it could be the testing conditions or the day, because you have already proved once that you're capable of X score. I would not be worried about it, chances are you did better than expected. Plus we are over 2 week away from when some took the exam, and you're brain is focusing (assuming) on the few questions it can remember where you were stuck or guessed. BUT it is leaving out all the questions where you did not have a problem and breezed over it and therefore it is not as memorable. Plus I presume that you studied since the November exam, so that increases the likelihood that you did better now than then. I am stressed too that I did worse this exam than last, but then I think I am only remembering the questions that i struggled with and none of the ones I didn't.
    I hope you crushed the LSAT!!

    Thank you for responding! I just wish they didn’t make us wait 2 weeks :(.

  • hopefullinghopefulling Member
    905 karma

    The Ivey admissions book says that most people score lower on a retake than on their first take.

  • cmoren21cmoren21 Member
    217 karma

    @hopefulling said:
    The Ivey admissions book says that most people score lower on a retake than on their first take.

    Wow I actually had no idea. Thank you!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    edited February 2021 2054 karma

    @hopefulling @cmoren21 With that said, many people don't necessarily change how they prepare between exams and often take subsequent exams. Don't let what is true about most LSAT takers cause you any anxiety, the tools and community at 7sage definitely provide an advantage and edge over the typical 1-3 point prep course boost the average person sees. The amount of progress you can make with the resources and community available to you here is bounded only by the time and effort you have to put into learning the test. That is what makes it so much better than a book or a classroom.

    If you have put in the work and the time, you will eventually see results. Good luck to you all.

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    I completely agree with @VerdantZephyr !!!

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