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What's the best way to drill?

lysimmons00lysimmons00 Core Member
edited February 2021 in Logical Reasoning 23 karma

I'm on the MSS section in Logical Reasoning and so far I've just been going straight through and doing all the practice sets. However, I'm wondering if it's best to move on to a new section and then come back to the problem sets after a while to solidify the knowledge? I'm getting pretty much all of them right, and I don't want to blow through it in a day and then forget it all as soon as I move on to another section, but I don't know if the order it's designed in is the best way to go. Let me know what y'all think!

  1. What's the best way to drill?18 votes
    1. Do them all in order
    2. Move on to something else and then come back to the problem sets later


  • FaviPapi-1-1FaviPapi-1-1 Member
    313 karma

    Here is my quick answer:

    Once you have done a few sets and feel comfortable, move on to something else since, even if you can get them 90 percent of the time, that would just give you 1 or 2 points out of 25/26.

    Moreover, I do believe that there is a threshold to when practicing doesn't do that much anymore: I mean what's the meaningful difference between 90 percent accuracy and 95 percent accuracy?

    I hope this helps

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