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8 Weeks left to Study

monaetfindleymonaetfindley Core Member
edited February 2021 in General 10 karma

Hey guys I need some advice. I have been studying on and off since October 2020 for the LSAT due to military deployments. I took one diagnostic and scored a 140. I really need a 165 or 170, any advice on how to study for this?


  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    720 karma

    Sounds like you're in a tough spot. The reality is you cannot cram for this exam. My only advice is to revise your goal score or revise your test date.

  • venusx17-1venusx17-1 Member
    191 karma

    if you can study full time you could do it - nothing is impossible

  • lwilliamslwilliams Member
    edited February 2021 41 karma

    Thank you for your service! I can understand your frustration and surely if you had more time you could just do this and feel confident. I am not sure of your situation and if you want a particular score or feel a time pressure to do the test. I am in a similar boat I work 2 jobs and don't want to spend a whole year studying and the school I want to attend have their lowest (25th) percentile as 150 so I am just encouraging myself to try to break 150. I am trying for April but may have to push to June. I am putting most of my limited time in LR and LG. I made flashcards for each LR question type and the corresponding approach then will review the strategy then drill that type only. I am focusing on the most popular question types. Similarly, I am only focusing on the most common LG games and foolproofing games. Its within your reach!!

  • McBeck418McBeck418 Member
    edited February 2021 500 karma


    I don't know how much you've been able to study or how much time you have, but maybe setting up a more consistent schedule will be helpful in reinforcing what you're learning. Even if it's just a couple of days a week for a short period of time, it might be better than any long gaps between study sessions.

    Have you completed the curriculum or read any other prep books? I would dig through that material as much as possible and squeeze out as much information from it as you can. While you're doing that, ask questions on the forums or in the comments about anything that you don't understand. The conceptual gaps you have before you PT probably won't go away just by taking PTs.

    Really utilise the blind review process, even when doing the problem sets. Don't be satisfied with a fixed answer in blind review, but really try to understand the material and what you're doing vs what the test is doing.

    My first ever PT/diagnostic was a 148. My current PTs are around 160-163 and my Blind Review is 170-173. I truly believe we can all improve on this test, but we can't know how long it will take. I think you can make a lot of improvement in 8 weeks if you can build on what you already know, but if you can push the test back, that might be the best option.

    Good Luck!

  • mere_mortalmere_mortal Core Member
    91 karma

    @lwilliams said:
    I am focusing on the most popular question types. Similarly, I am only focusing on the most common LG games and foolproofing games.

    How do you know which are the most common? I'm new to 7sage, so sorry if that's a dumb question!

  • lwilliamslwilliams Member
    edited February 2021 41 karma

    @mere_mortal no that’s a perfectly valid question! I haven’t taken the test officially so perhaps my strategy isn’t the best but here is an article:

    here are eight and four week study schedules:

    good luck Please keep us posted!

  • elliaddaganelliaddagan Member
    144 karma

    Keep training and studying, and do not give up! Unless you are scoring 180 you can always improve.

  • mere_mortalmere_mortal Core Member
    91 karma

    @lwilliams said:
    @mere_mortal no that’s a perfectly valid question! I haven’t taken the test officially so perhaps my strategy isn’t the best but here is an article:


  • SufficientConditionSufficientCondition Alum Member
    311 karma

    @monaetfindley said:
    Hey guys I need some advice. I have been studying on and off since October 2020 for the LSAT due to military deployments. I took one diagnostic and scored a 140. I really need a 165 or 170, any advice on how to study for this?

    I recommend finding a tutor or study group. The social reinforcement helped me immensely over only 3 meetings per week for 4 weeks.

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