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Losing my head on LG, Advice Welcome

mgraumgrau Member
in Logic Games 33 karma

Hey all - taking the June Flex and I've noticed in the last few weeks that I have gone from regularly -1/-3 on LG to -5/-7. As test time gets closer, I'm making a lot of really dumb mistakes, getting angry, missing key inferences. Even problem sets that I have already done before, I am now missing questions on. Whenever I think about LG I now get this pit in my stomach. I would welcome any advice to get this train back on track, and thank you!


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    I'm gonna throw out several ideas. Take what speaks to you and leave what doesn't.

    Maybe you need to take a moment to reflect on how you're approaching the games. Do you have any habits you were doing before that you've stopped doing carefully because you thought you were good enough to rush through them? If that's the case, you need to reset and treat games as if you're learning them for the first time again. Go back to basics and rebuild your confidence that way.

    Are you someone who gets nervous as test day approaches? Maybe the pressure is getting to you and this is more of a negative reaction to pressure and not necessarily a dip in skills. If that's the case, maybe you need to take a break for a day or 2 and reset your mind that way.

    How often do you do logic games? I know at least for me, I started doing worse at logic games when I wasn't doing at least one daily. It's something you will get rusty at if you don't do them frequently enough. So maybe you just need to commit to doing a couple a day.

    Good luck figuring it out! You'll find your way again! Don't get discouraged!

  • AkLSAT2020AkLSAT2020 Alum Member
    41 karma

    Take a day off. Or if you feel you need to keep studying more, take few hours off and do something you enjoy. Try to relax a bit. If you have been doing 1 to 3 mistakes and now it is 5 to 7, it could very well be the nerves or burn out or something like that. I have gotten to the point that i do every single question right on lg but on occasions i miss 1 to 3. Usually what was the case for me was that maybe i was a bit tried.

    Also try to eat healthier foods, stay dehydrated and get enough rest. These are all very important to perform well on such a high stress test. Maybe meditate a bit or listen to a relaxing music.

    Best of luck mate.

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