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Should I reschedule my test?

maddymarmaddymar Core Member

I am currently signed up for the August LSAT but I have not been testing close enough to my goal on my most recent PTs. I'm worried I won't be able to improve enough by test time. Should I reschedule and take the October instead? This will be my first time taking the LSAT but I am applying for law school this fall so October will be my last shot anyway. Would it be worth it at all to take August, since I'm already registered, even with the risk of a low score? #help


  • ToolinshedToolinshed Core Member
    42 karma

    Just take it. If it's your first test, it's good experience to have under your belt. If you're afraid of a low score holding you back in the applications cycle (which it won't), you can always cancel it.

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