Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Does anyone use underlying on LR? - 7Sage Forum

Does anyone use underlying on LR?

kdionwilliamskdionwilliams Member
edited August 2021 in Logical Reasoning 31 karma

So, I’ve noticed that I went from -3 or -4 on LR back to -7 because I don’t use the underline/highlight feature on the digital exams. On the paper exams I could quickly underline the P and C which would help me see flaws better before jumping into answers choices…

But now I just try to do it all in my head because I’m afraid of taking more time or messing up.

I’m doing it on my phone tho. Wondering if it’s easier on the tablet? Does anyone else use this feature to help? Or should I just scrap it?

Highlight it or keep it simple?
  1. Do you use it?42 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    I use highlighting. I high light the stem to remind me what stem I am in and then some of the questions that are harder, convoluted and/or long I will use the highlighting to show the conclusion and if I have to sub conclusions and other premises. At first it might me weird and you might think this is a waste of time, however, after a while I did not notice a difference in time 'lost' but I did get an accuracy boost and I never mess up a question stem.

  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    Personally, highlighting in the digital format on my laptop really helps me stay engaged with the stimulus. When I read, I like to track the words with my mouse, so it doesn’t take a lot of extra effort to throw in some highlights here & there for certain powerful words. Using your mouse to track the words as you read also helps you read faster because it reduces the amount of saccadic eye movements (there is a more scientific explanation for this, but your eyes are attracted to movement and tracking will make the reading more smooth). I think you should continue highlighting since it seems to help you too.

  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma

    I was having this same issue when I made the switch from paper to digital. I will agree, that at first it was time consuming, however, I do all my practice sections digitally now and I found I have become faster at highlighting and underlining in this format. It is very helpful with maintaining accuracy as Kkole said.

    Best of luck! =)

  • agc438agc438 Alum Member
    253 karma

    Honestly, depends on question type. For strength/weaken questions, I usually underline the conclusion and he assumptions for the conclusion. Other than that, usually just the conclusion.

  • Jordan JohnsonJordan Johnson Member
    686 karma

    @kdionwilliams said:
    So, I’ve noticed that I went from -3 or -4 on LR back to -7 because I don’t use the underline/highlight feature on the digital exams. On the paper exams I could quickly underline the P and C which would help me see flaws better before jumping into answers choices…

    But now I just try to do it all in my head because I’m afraid of taking more time or messing up.

    I’m doing it on my phone tho. Wondering if it’s easier on the tablet? Does anyone else use this feature to help? Or should I just scrap it?

    I almost always underline the conclusion at the very least.

    I'm not sure how the annotation tools work on a phone, but I'd suggest getting used to using them on the laptop/desktop that you'll be using for the actual exam. There are certain quirks that will pop up depending on your setup, and averaging a few extra seconds per question to "fix" annotation issues is not ideal.

    Hope that helps!

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