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Need major help adjusting studying methods to the new 7sage layout

marshy721marshy721 Alum Member
in General 36 karma
I had to take a small break from LSAT Prep and 7sage due to a serious family emergency but now I have decided to resume studying. When I had been previously studying, the PDFs were on the verge of disappearing so I decided last minute to upgrade from Premium to Ultimate and quickly download all the PDFs/PTs onto a flash drive. Now that I have returned, I have been having some difficulty navigating through the new 7sage layout and I'm fairly confused despite going through several discussion threads. I have some questions that maybe some of you could answer:

1.) Are there no more video explanations or answers to the PDFs that I downloaded? I can't find any answers or explanations but I have all these PDFs. I'm pretty sure I remember reading that the video explanations were not going to disappear but I can't seem to find them.
2.) What was the total number of PDFs/PTs available to "ultimate package" students prior to the PDFs being removed? I just wanted to make sure that I downloaded them all.
3.) Should I ignore the new problem sets that have been posted and stick to solving the ones in my old PDFs? Is there some benefit to sticking with one or the other? Should I be doing both old and new?
4.)The "percentage completed" is no longer accurate now because of the old PDFs being removed, correct?
5.) Why are the new problem sets fairly easy as compared to the old PDFs?

I apologize for bombarding everyone with all my questions but I feel lost and off track due to the break I took and the major changes in the structure of 7sage. I hope someone can help clarify these for me, that would be greatly appreciated. I would also find it really beneficial if someone who has all the old PDFs and has access to the new problem sets could elaborate on their study methods for going through the problem sets. Thank you!


  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Look down towards the middle of your syllabus and you’ll see old problems. Also here:

    They’re having to do a major overhaul, thanks to LSAC.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @marshy721 if you have all the ultimate PDFs from before the changes then you're good to go. Here's what I did: Make a folder for all things LG, LR, RC, Logic, and PTs. The Logic one just has all the cheatsheets and quizzes from the Logic portions of the curriculum.

    The LG folder has the LG Bundle (All LGs from PTs 1-35), the problem sets (the old ones), and my LG bundle tracker spreadsheet.

    The LR folder has all the LR flowcharts/cheatsheets/etc., and all the old LR problem sets (64 across all question types).

    The RC folder has all the RC passage/questions from the curriculum as well as the problem sets (3 of them).

    The PT folder has every PT from 36-74 (I bought the last few when the LSAC ban was just days away). You should have at least PT 36-71 if I recall correctly.

    In each folder I also have a folder entitled "Completed" so instead of worrying about checking them off on the syllabus, I simply move them to that folder and the ones in the main folder are all fresh and clean.

    After giving some RC advice recently, I think I am also going to develop a RC tracker for both drilling and PTs so that I can analyze what question types I'm getting wrong, which will be similar to how one can use 7Sage analytics to target LR question types. This way I'll be able to focus on deficiencies in certain areas if any patterns arise.

    You should have video explanations for PT 36+ and some scattered explanations for stuff on PTs under 36. It can be a little complicated to get to them sometimes, and unless @"Dillon A. Wright" can correct me, I have found the easiest way to access them is to go into the analytics, pick a test, and check the "do not save answers" box. I only realized it was there after I was trying to help someone on an old PT question and scored an empty test to access the explanations (which is now stuck as a 120 in my analytics, so be careful!)

    To answer your other questions. Ignore the new problem sets for the time being since you'd have to procure them on your own and you already have all the old ones in PDF format and you have explanations for all of those. The new ones are easier because they are arranging them by difficulty now and the only ones up are the easy and medium difficulty as far as I know (but ultimate users will get these for free). They will also be releasing harder sets but those will be an add on or another tier whenever it happens. The percentage completed no longer includes the old problem sets, but does include the new ones. When I was originally going through the curriculum, I downloaded all the problem sets as mentioned above and then checked them all off on the syllabus since I was tracking them on my own and wanted a better picture of how much I really had left to do in the curriculum. Once the new ones came out I simply did the same thing to the new ones so that I'm fully complete except for the personal statement curriculum. I found this to be much better since I was saving most problem sets for drilling between PTs rather than wasting them all up front. Which sort of answers your final question. I only did problem sets during the curriculum if I was really struggling, so now I have most fresh to take whenever I want to brush up on problem areas between PTs. I did a little over a third of the bundle and then really found my LG groove so I've saved the rest of those as well. And I grabbed an early 10 actual LSATs book to cannibalize for RC and additional LR if I feel like it.

    Hope this helps, if you have any other questions feel free to hit me up. I've adapted pretty well to the changes as an ultimate user so I can probably answer more questions that might pop up. Good luck!
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited June 2015 12637 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    You should have video explanations for PT 36+ and some scattered explanations for stuff on PTs under 36. It can be a little complicated to get to them sometimes, and unless @"Dillon A. Wright" can correct me, I have found the easiest way to access them is to go into the analytics, pick a test, and check the "do not save answers" box. I only realized it was there after I was trying to help someone on an old PT question and scored an empty test to access the explanations (which is now stuck as a 120 in my analytics, so be careful!)
    Easier way is to go to the LG explanations (, click the PT you're looking for and scroll down to see the other sections and find out if there's video explanations for the section you're looking for.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You just blew my mind @"Dillon A. Wright" I can't believe I had never scrolled down that far during LG explanations. Any chance you could remove that 120 on PT 29 for me? It would be much appreciated. If not, no worries.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Any chance you could remove that 120 on PT 29 for me?
    You can just delete the PT in the Analytics:
  • marshy721marshy721 Alum Member
    36 karma
    Thank you so much Pacifico for all of your insight and adjustments that you have made to adapt. I will need to spend a week or so establishing a whole system, but your sounds quite efficient so I might end up modeling mine after yours. I will be in touch and shoot you a message if I run into any problems during my transition, thank you again!
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