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Possible to complete 7Sage curriculum in 2.5 months?

Obi Wan KenobiObi Wan Kenobi Core Member
edited May 2022 in August 2022 LSAT 6 karma

I took the LSAT in 2018 and scored a 167. I plan to take a diagnostic test tomorrow to see where I stand now. If I score 160+ in my diagnostic test, would 2.5 months be enough time to study to take LSAT in August and complete the 7sage curriculum? According to the study schedule generator, I would have to study 20-25 hours per week starting today to ensure I take at least 6 PTs by the August 2022 LSAT.

Thank you!


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited May 2022 2245 karma

    It’s absolutely doable but it’s largely dependent on how much time you can devote to studies. If you have a lot of time on your hands, it’s possible. If you don’t, you’ll probably need to skip the areas you’re confident in.

  • AugustIsHereAugustIsHere Yearly Member
    9 karma

    I absolutely chugged through it in just under 2-2.2 ish months with school, so it's very doable but not the best for memory retention. I'm doing other things now and a lot what I'm working on now just calls back to stuff I forgot in the course. I would take it slow again if I had the opportunity to.

    35 karma

    Does anyone know how long it takes if you were to do all the material ? like 2.2 months requires how many hours a day?

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    @aaronmkaufman Try using 7Sage’s “study schedule” feature. You can enter the time frame you have into the schedule and it’ll tell you roughly how many hours you need to do per week to complete the course.

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