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Newer LSAT tests

I'm testing in february and have been working on the core curriculum since last May. I work full time and don't have much time to take a test per day. I'm pretty much limited to two full tests per weekend if I'm lucky.

I have taken many pt's from 1-35, a few from 35-69, and just 70 from the newer administrations. Should I focus more on the ones from 70-present with the time I have left? I hear these are more challenging but more reflective of the current tests. TIA!


  • JustAParalegalJustAParalegal Live Member
    59 karma

    Hi there,

    I would DEFINITELY start doing more modern tests. My best recommendation is saving maybe 10-15 tests (randomly selected between 70-93) in the event that you need to retake. But I would highly recommend taking more modern tests as the questions vary slightly (and personally, I think get harder) as you move upwards in test number. This will definitely help get you ready for February!

  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hi @bodell.legere-1 ,

    I definitely wouldn’t worry about not having the time to take a full PT per day. I would even say it was a blessing in disguise because we advise that you take 1 PT per week, max 2. This is because the purpose of PT’s is to diagnose your progress and identify areas that need further focus in your study throughout the week. Question types to drill, game types to foolproof, and core concepts to review and reinforce. As far as which PT’s you should take moving forward, I would definitely prioritize the modern exams, focusing on the 80's and 90's. PT 93 is the most recent and would definitely be worth taking. With our live class subscription you have access to 7Sage founder and maestro JY breaking down each section of that test. Taking that PT, carefully reviewing it and watching those breakdowns could be extremely beneficial to you as you come close to your test date in Feb.

    If you have any aspect of the test that is continuing to give you trouble or would like a diagnostic of where you are at and where you can still improve, a couple of sessions with one of our expert tutors could really help you make that last push before test day. We work with you to diagnose your current weaknesses and put together a study plan to help you spend your time as efficiently as possible, pick up those points, and reach your goal score. You are welcome to schedule a free consult, using the link below, with one of our tutors to hear more about how things work. You can even share your analytics beforehand and get some general feedback and questions answered regardless of whether or not you sign up.

    Best of luck!

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