In need of logic games advice/direction

ProvidenceProvidence Live Member
in Logic Games 23 karma

I'm having a tough time learning logic games.
I started with 7Sage sequencing and moved to LSAT Demon around the time I got to grouping. JY's explanations are methodical and he seems to go rule by rule, although sometimes I find his methods hard to follow. LSAT Demon has a tendency to solve them by completing all worlds and combining rules logically/intuitively. Overall, the approaches are fairly different. I'm not even sure which methods make the most sense to me.

I understand logic games are known for being the most foreign yet most learnable, but I'm feeling a bit paralyzed. I almost feel more confused as time goes by. I really need to get a grip on these before the LSAT in June.

Does anyone here have suggestions or methods that worked for learning logic games?
Anyone have experience with both 7Sage and LSAT Demon logic games?

I would be especially grateful of advice from anyone who previously struggled with logic games and vastly improved.


  • KevinLuminateLSATKevinLuminateLSAT Alum Member
    984 karma

    Could you describe a bit more your own process for reviewing logic games? Exactly what do you do when you sit down to study/practice logic games? Do you re-do games that you've found confusing or solved inefficiently?

    Also, can you write more about what you find difficult about games? Are you having a hard time recognize what setup to use? Forgetting or misinterpreting rules? Do you find yourself using "brute force" to test answers too much?

    As you've seen, there are different styles of doing games, but it's tough to advise you on what direction to take without knowing more about how you've studied and about what you find difficult to understand/implement.

  • ProvidenceProvidence Live Member
    23 karma

    Thanks for trying to gain understanding through additional questions.

    When I knew nothing about logic games, I started with 7Sage and sequencing games generally made sense. I followed JY's core curriculum in learning the fundamentals and repeated sequencing games that I completed inefficiently or found confusing. I do struggle with more complex sequencing games.

    When I got to grouping games and hybrid games, I had a harder time understanding. This is where I transitioned to LSAT Demon. I then attempted more games on my own without watching any instructional videos. This didn't work because I either didn't know how to set the games up, or I made a mess doing them incorrectly.

    I didn't want to solidify my incorrect methods and poor skills, so I shifted my approach more towards watching videos before attempting a logic game. The differing approaches that JY and LSAT Demon take left me feeling confused about how to structure/create a setup; that seems like my most immediate hurdle to get over. I do find myself sometimes forgetting rules and getting lost, but I don't mentally misinterpret the meaning them as frequently. I usually understand what a rule means but can struggle to form inferences. I think contrapositives mess me up sometimes as well. When I feel unable to make all the worlds, I think I have a "brute force" tendency.

    I apologize for my ambiguity. I'm trying to understand what I don't understand.

  • sucralosedaddysucralosedaddy Alum Member
    edited March 2023 310 karma

    I don't think its helpful to bounce around between courses. Stick with 7sage and keep practicing. Developing an intuition for setting up games and forming inferences with how rules interact with each other doesn't come overnight. Sure, being able to complete all worlds and "brute force" games is helpful but that option isn't always available to you with some games and the amount of possibilities uses up a lot of time.

    The paralyzed feeling you have and bad methods (forgetting rules/ getting lost) you have comes from not being well versed in games and will correct itself with time developing a methodical approach and practice.

    You need to foolproof games, and I promise you'll get it eventually. When I first started out with games I kept a google sheet noting every game I did (and each attempt I did) of how many questions I missed, the Target Time, my actual time, the date, and any notes I had on it.

    If I got any questions wrong or was over the target time, I would watch the explanation and do the game again in a couple days. Even if I was perfect, I would still check the explanation video and skim it just to see if I missed any inferences or wrote out any of my gameboards or rules incorrectly (although you have to realize it isn't gonna be exactly alike and you might come to find you have a preference for writing out rules or gameboards a bit differently). If there were any games I didn't understand or if didn't know how to interpret one of the rules, I would watch a little bit of the explanation video just to get me past the hump and then finish it myself.

    Eventually with time and lots of practice I was able to master games.

  • ProvidenceProvidence Live Member
    23 karma

    Direct messaged you. Thanks again.

    I'm open to reading any suggestions or input from others as well.

  • aiman.shahabaiman.shahab Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    72 karma

    Hey @Providence. I'd agree with everything sucralosedaddy said. His process is describing Foolproofing, a concept we really push for at 7Sage. If you'd like to continue to read about it, feel free to do so here:

    It can feel frustrating to be stuck on Logic Games, but as a tutor, I always recommend staying consistent with foolproofing to my students. If you'd like to chat about this more or are interested in 1-1 help with Logic Games, feel free to set up a consult with one of our tutors here:

  • ArtimissiaArtimissia Alum Member
    edited March 2023 5 karma

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