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Richmond VA Study Buddy/Group

LSATqueen177LSATqueen177 Alum Member
edited June 2023 in Study Groups 8 karma

Hi! I am looking for a study partner/group, ideally located in Richmond and preparing for the September 2023 exam or another exam around that time. I’ve been studying on and off since last July but am buckling down for the Sept exam. I’m typically studying from 10:30a-5:30p on weekdays (with an hour for lunch) and taking full exams on Saturdays (then blind reviewing after). Cannot do Sundays but could do weekday evenings if other times don’t work (except Tuesday evenings). Please DM if interested. Thanks :)


  • arfondavies513arfondavies513 Core Member
    10 karma

    Hey, im not in Richmond VA, but i can zoom from Canada.

    LMK if it works.

    mine is buckle down time for oct (gave myself as much time as humanly possible)

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