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How to increase performance

luchiswaggerluchiswagger Alum Member
in General 52 karma

I noticed that I don't manage time well in my tests, how can I improve? I end up skipping loads of questions when I'm running out of time and it's frustrating. I have a pretty solid understanding of LSAT fundamentals now but because of my time management, I can't budge the 150s. Meanwhile, in my blind review or untimed tests, I score in the 160s. Please help. My LSAT is in 7 weeks and I don't know what to do anymore.


  • chaotic42chaotic42 Core Member
    edited June 2023 16 karma

    I'll preface this by saying that I'm rather new in this "LSAT studying process," but from what I understand, further practice will make it such that you feel more comfortable with time constraints. You mentioned having a solid understanding of the fundamentals which is a wonderful first step. If I were you I would spend these next seven weeks focusing specifically on the questions you miss. Spend time determining the why behind correct AND incorrect answers. It takes time and the returns may feel rather small at first but over time you'll become more and more comfortable with the content overall and you'll notice yourself moving through the questions even quicker.

  • sr1541214sr1541214 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2023 4 karma

    Hi guys

    As a newcomer to LSAT studying, it's great that you recognize the importance of practice and understanding the reasoning behind both correct and incorrect answers.

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