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quinnch1quinnch1 Core Member

Hello, I have been studying for a handful of months now after I rushed way too early last febuary and bombed the test with a 139 7 lower than my diagnostic.(I hate tests) I was aiming for this February to take it again in hopes that I could achieve a score in the mid 150s. Except it just seems that no matter what I do I cannot figure out this test. Lately I have been slowly going through the course and just drilling question types as many times as possible in hopes that I slowly start to develop strategies and then take another PT. Ive been told this is not hard to do multiple times from people but I just feel lost. Any advice or a breakdown of what your study schedule was I would appreciate. Mid 150s would get me into a decent law school :) but as of now Im basically just losing hope :/


    115 karma

    What I did is finish CC all the way through, then I took my first PT after that. From there, you'll have an idea of what you need to work on; you'll get a great idea of this after your test when you go through your wrong answers. Don't fall for the trick of watching the explanation and then being like, "Ahhh now it makes sense, I can't believe I missed that!" Because you'll do that most times after you watch an explanation. What do you do when you miss a question and still don't quite understand why your answer was wrong? You want to dig and see where you went wrong, why your answer was wrong. Sooner or later you'll figure out you tend to make similar mistakes, then you seek to correct those. Other than that it's just consistency. Also make time to rest. Even if you don't feel burned out taking a day or two off will have you feeling a lot better when you come back.

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