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LR makes me feel DUMB

cdot9000cdot9000 Live Member
edited February 16 in Logical Reasoning 140 karma

I need advice. I have only been studying for 2 months now but I am already starting to get worried. I have taken 2 PT's & have not finished LR either time, scoring with -15 on both. While I am not too far into CCV2 (still in foundations), I have not been challenged by something this much before, which I guess is threatening to me. I am unsure if it is the wordiness & my want to just have my eyes glaze over while reading the stimuli or if I truly am just not getting it.

I am currently a high school science teacher & my study schedule isn't what I would want it to be due to everything I have going on. My mental stamina is also low. HELP )':


  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    edited February 16 473 karma

    I have been in your boat until I realized that I was not familiar with logic so this was uncharted territory. Please don't be discouraged. How many hours per day are your doing? They can also be in chunks of time. I try to do 1.5 hours at once with a small break and then do it again when i can dedicate that amount of time again later that day. And other times, i only get in an hour. My goal is at least 3 hours per da. That may just be drilling one question type. Or 2 games while fool-proofing them.

    How often do you drill each question type? I am working on N.A. , Flaw and MBT. Rinse and repeat then will do a few other types until I can master them. Then working on an LR section with review of that section thoroughly the next day. Without drilling, we are likely going to make at least similar mistakes.

    You can do it. It may take longer than you think and perhaps a new strategy. Good job!!

  • inmylsaterainmylsatera Live Member
    17 karma

    Not to worry! I personally think you simply need more time. LSAT concepts are extremely difficult to understand. For context, I have been studying for a year (using full 7sage CC, Loophole book, LSAT Trainer, Powerscore books) and have never taken a PT. I just started to drill last month. Progress is slow and I'm okay with that (Key!!). Focus on building your foundation and then things like drilling and PT will be a breeze. Best of luck :)

  • persianiraqiprincesspersianiraqiprincess Live Member
    4 karma

    You got this! It takes so much time, I cannot emphasize this. I am not where I want to be either, but I am improving. I have been hard on myself too because I work full-time as well. We are doing the absolute best we can, and I am proud of us. Keep it going!

  • m_hdzx-1m_hdzx-1 Core Member
    19 karma

    do NOT be discouraged!! This test is different and it takes time to master the concepts. Don't focus on how much material you're covering in your study sessions. Make sure you're grasping the concepts and take it slow it needed. Practice, practice, and MORE practice. You have to re-wire your brain almost, lol. Think like the makers of the test... really and I mean REALLY focus on your mistakes and understand why you got the questions wrong. Give yourself grace! Just whatever you do, don't give up.

  • Protas21SavageProtas21Savage Live Member
    102 karma

    I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who's falling behind and taking longer than needed! I started studying in January and was super discouraged for still doing Foundations in the CC (I'm making a wrong answer journal for conditional logic rn and still working through that). Grammar was such a confidence booster for me and conditional logic kicked my butt. :(

    It's heartening to see that we're all trying our best and making the most of it. The material will come to us eventually. I'm still unsure if I want to take a test with LG, so that's weighing on me, too, when it comes to wanting to finish the CC as fast as possible.

    I hope all of you crush your LSAT goals! Like someone said above, as long as we're consistent and don't give up on ourselves, the material will come to us eventually.

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