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struggling to translate blind review results into timed results

edited June 2024 in General 38 karma

so i'm aware there are a few older posts on here about this topic, but was hoping that someone could chime in with new advice...

i'm averaging around 170-173 on blind review pts, and about 92-100% on RC and LR drills with 25 questions/4 passages (sometimes ~88% for the harder ones). however, my scores before blind review tend to hover around 165-67. i know that these are, by no means, bad scores, but i do want a higher score on the actual lsat (sept 2024).

my biggest problem for rc is that i tend to miss essential parts of the passage (that i do not realize are essential until i get to the questions), and end up having to a) go way over time or b) only get to thoroughly read the passage during blind review.

for lr, i panic about the time and end up not selecting an answer i'm confident with until blind review.

i know that comparing timed/untimed scores is one of the main goals of blind review, so i guess i'm also just asking about how to balance time and thoroughness.

i don't know if i need to just keep drilling (though i feel like i'm burning through questions and pts) or if there's some other trick!!

any tips would be appreciated :)

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