On could be true questions, I can't find the exact question, but I remember it having an answer choice that provided a Must be true answer, and one that provided a could be true answer.
The must be true was incorrect, the could be true was correct.
However, other could be true questions I've experienced had a correct answer that was Must be true.
Would someone please help me on this?
The only way for me to make sense of it is to assume that when both a must be true and also a could be true answer are provided, select the could be true. In cases where there is only a must be true, select it.
I'm confused because I've read that could be true covers 1-100% which would include must be true answers, yet it was incorrect provided that a less certain answer choice was present.
So, if a question demands a CBT, any MBT answer choice will suffice.
Can you look up which question this was? I'm not sure that the LSAT would leave a glaring error like that in one of its official prep tests.