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Oct LSAT is coming but my PT plateau keeps 154

Luebis C.Luebis C. Member
in General 30 karma
Well I've finished all of the 7sage curriculum and started PT 6 days ago. I've been doing one PT a day, and thanks for my job, I had pretty much time at work to BR.

But disappointedly and scary is that my PT plateau kept unchange around 154. Usually I got about 90% on LG, 60% on LR, which sometimes the passages and too rocket science to me to apply memory method. And 70% on LR. Recent PTs showed I am pretty confident for those questions with 3-star difficulty or less. But those hard questions are still huge challenging time-consuming monster to me. I will take my entire next week off and will fully devote my self to PT.

Any suggetions? Thanks.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Postpone the test, take in December at the earliest. Slow down to 2-3 per week at most and really spend time working on your BR which should be mid 160s at a minimum at this point if you're doing clean copy BR. You're just brining yourself out right out of the hate for no reason and this is not a practical approach on any timeline.
  • splitterhopefulsplitterhopeful Alum Member
    340 karma
    "Started PT"? I'd say it's pretty silly to panic right now... I do think October is too early.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    If you've just started PTs now, you're really doing yourself a disservice by taking the test in 3 weeks. Reschedule for December and continue to prep with the same level of urgency so that you can be ready by then.
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