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LG If ____ then for how many other pieces is the position determined questions

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in General 349 karma
So for questions like question 11 on PT 71(Game 2) where the question is If _____ happens then for how many of the other "pieces" is their position fully determined do you count pieces that are established by a general rule? I watched the video explanation and J.Y. counted it but he didn't give it any comment. I usually do but for some reason I did not on this game. Basically if the initial rules say "X" must be here and then a question stimulus says if "Y" is in this spot, for how many of the other pieces is their position determined you count "X" even though it was already established before the question added a new piece of information? The piece in question here is "G" for this game.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Yes you always count everything that you know where it is, it doesn't matter how it got there. The only thing you need to be careful of in these types of questions is whether it asks how many overall, or how many other, in the former it is the total number but in the latter you have to subtract the one they are placing in the question stem.
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