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Offices Game Dec 2015

Mike StoneMike Stone Member
edited January 2016 in General 111 karma
Since everything is released now from LSAC, I believe this question is fair game. Is there any way someone could direct me to a video explanation of the LG section from December 2015 exam? I think that would be PT 77. I usually score -2 or better in LG which carries my score, but the last two games in that section annihilated me in December. Game 4 was just difficult, but Game 3 was a "pattern game" (as it has been described on online threads).

Preferably a JY explanation because JY is my LSAT lord and savior, amen. But, if any video is online anywhere with a walk-through, I would love to know about it. Just worried a miscellaneous game like that may come up again, and I can't afford to blow the LG section twice in a row if I plan to matriculate in the fall.

PS - saw manhattan prep's diagram and that didn't help me much. Even with the questions, diagram, and answers in front of my face I couldn't figure out the strategy. Would prefer to see a video of someone else doing it.

Thanks in advance, 7Sagers.


  • cjones76cjones76 Alum Member
    318 karma
    JY has not released PT 77 explanations yet.
  • Mike StoneMike Stone Member
    111 karma
    do you know if anyone else has, anywhere? 2 wks til my next exam and i wanna review that game type. @cjones76
  • cjones76cjones76 Alum Member
    318 karma
    Pacifico did a webinar on the games, but they haven't released the video yet I think because of licensing issues. I'm not sure if anywhere else has video explanations up yet.
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    Talk to @Pacifico !
  • mimimimimimimimi Free Trial Member
    edited January 2016 368 karma
    I wish I could help you. I honestly don't think I completely understood G3 even though I got all of the questions correct and scored -0 on the test (not as PT). I haven't bothered to look at 77 again.. But I remember doing a reverse chart of the G3 setup during the test, like reorder them by rank or something - that didn't help except on Q2. In the end, I used brute force on almost every question for that game.. I think pattern games are designed this way - Understand the rules and just apply them by brute force..
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