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Rec letter

Blurred4Blurred4 Alum Member
edited October 2016 in General 17 karma
How early is too early to get a REC letter. I got one assuming I would be applying early but I am retaking the the LSAT in February. I have a REC on file from late October. Should I get the Professor to resubmit so the time stamp is sooner or keep and use the ones on file. This is all assuming I apply for the Fall 2017 class. Obviously if I delay 1 year I will ask for resubmissions. On that note do new REC letters have to be different in anyway from ones that are on in can school see the old ones that I have on file with LSAC. Was just going to ask the teachers to resubmit the old ones they previously wrote to save time on both ends.

Admin edit: Please don't post in all caps on your title. I'm sensitive and don't like being yelled at. :c


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I wouldn't worry too much about this. If your recommendor does resubmit it's usually only to make sure nothing was mentioned specifically for that year of applying. The rest of the letter can remain the same with no issue. Obviously if they resubmit the other letter should be deleted because there's no point to have a repeat letter.
  • Blurred4Blurred4 Alum Member
    17 karma
    Can I deleted the letter myself or do I have to call the LSAC? I do not see an option for me to delete it. My concern was the timing of letter on file as shown by the time stamp.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    A one-two year old letter isn't stale, I think you should be fine. Also I haven't been on LSAC in a while but if you can't find the option to delete then call LSAC for assistance.
  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma
    I can't find it again, so don't quote me on it, but I do recall reading on the LSAC website that it's okay if you use letters from one application cycle for another, so long as the letter is still likely relevant and accurate (i.e. no significant changes in anything). I recall them suggesting the most you might do is courteously ask your recommender if they are okay with you using their same letter for another cycle (I doubt any would mind). So I don't think you would necessarily need to ask for new ones, simply given your time frame.
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