Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Have they started to ask those old question types that they stopped asking? - 7Sage Forum

Have they started to ask those old question types that they stopped asking?

icecreamparfaiticecreamparfait Free Trial Member
edited November 2016 in General 82 karma
example; PT79S4Q5

So they are disagreeing each other about what value means: property value vs. value itself has (not necessarily property value)
Is this correct?
I thought it's so rare that they start to ask those questions again...at some point I think they stopped to ask a vocab question.
Do you think they start to incorporate old questions again?


  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    This test also has an evaluation question so maybe..
  • icecreamparfaiticecreamparfait Free Trial Member
    82 karma
    Right, they also start to ask those evaluation questions again too...
    I wonder if they will start to incorporate those 1 stimulus 2 questions type LR questions then...
    What other types of questions do you remember they stopped asking?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @mw393730 said:
    Right, they also start to ask those evaluation questions again too...
    I wonder if they will start to incorporate those 1 stimulus 2 questions type LR questions then...

    Interesting... I do wonder if they'll ever bring oldies back. I doubt they'll be kind enough to bring back the 1 stim 2 question format though, haha.
  • icecreamparfaiticecreamparfait Free Trial Member
    edited November 2016 82 karma
    @"Alex Divine"
    What are some oldies do you recall from older PTs?
    Evaluation, vocab,...what else?
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    I just finished drilling LR from 1-38, one of the older types I remember is sentence completion.. it seems like that is something they are bringing back bc on this test they also had a LR question asking you to fill the blank with the main conclusion.

    Some people have said the new LR is distinct from the old LR but I found it to be very similar (that said 79 is the only PT I've seen from the 70s, so I could be wrong.) I think once you practice a lot of LR though, you start to see patterns.

    I hope they don't do more questions like this one though bc I hate them lol. Another thing I noticed with this test was that there were a lot of NA and paradox questions in both LR sections.

    @"Alex Divine" i really hope they don't bring the two stimulus' back lol!
  • icecreamparfaiticecreamparfait Free Trial Member
    82 karma
    Oh wow...Do you mean you did every questions from 1-38?
    How do you think 79 and those PTs are different?
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    I do wonder if they'll ever bring oldies back. I doubt they'll be kind enough to bring back the 1 stim 2 question format though, haha.
    haha i completely forgot about those questions!! wow. i actually did not like them tho but that was during my preliminary studies and i wonder how better i'd be at them now :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sweetsecret said:
    @"Alex Divine" i really hope they don't bring the two stimulus' back lol!
    You and me both, lol.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"DEC_LSAT" said:
    haha i completely forgot about those questions!! wow. i actually did not like them tho but that was during my preliminary studies and i wonder how better i'd be at them now :)
    I'm guessing you'd be much better, haha. They weren't ever hard ones and were usually in the first half of the LR sections, iirc. I never was a fan of them though haha.
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    edited November 2016 1278 karma
    @mw393730 yupp! I did every single one of them before moving on to the next thing! I still have 40-50 of the paradox questions left, 50 of point questions, and the evaluate questions which I think are 10 or 20.

    I wish there was a lesson on Evaluate questions because I'm not really sure how to approach them.

    I don't really see how the questions are any different other than I think the newer ones are easier than the older LR questions. The older LR was more formal logic based but some of the newer LR also uses formal logic. I think once you see so many questions they all look the same after awhile lol and you start to see patterns. For example, my worse question type was MSS ones and I ended up spending two months on that question because I didn't see the point in moving forward until I mastered it. I still don't love those questions but I can tolerate them now.

    I was deathly afraid of necessary assumption questions, but JY forces you to look at them in a different way than simply the negation test. I got a lot of the difficulty four question of the NA wrong but forcing myself to review them made my accuracy on NA questions much higher. I literally spend a week staring at them and trying to reason with myself why the wrong answer was wrong and the correct answer was correct and then matching it up with the experts. I found that my blind review began matching up with the experts, but other times it didn't. I just said to myself that's ok, brushed it off, and moved on lol.

    TLDR They are really similar to the older LR questions only they are more concise, to the point, and clear cut. Although some of the science LR questions on 79 killed me!! lol it's ok though you just have to reformat your brain a different way and move on :)
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