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Official February 2018 LSAT Waiting Thread



  • SuesuesueSuesuesue Member
    44 karma

    Soooooo have we lost hope for today yet? or is everyone clinging to the last 5 minutes?

  • kelleril92kelleril92 Alum Member
    18 karma

    Lost hope...

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    116 karma

    @kelleril92 said:
    Lost hope...

    Still clinging lol to the rest of the day.

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    Dave Killoran said Monday or Tuesday, probably now.

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    116 karma

    @hawaiihi said:
    Dave Killoran said Monday or Tuesday, probably now.

    Yeah I give up. LSAC is closed until Monday because of the "weather"...

  • 179 karma

    So, I hope this makes everyone feel a little better:

    I got so inebriated two nights ago (from the sheer torture of applying to law school) I changed my username to “Oldest Trick In da Book” and forgot about it until this afternoon.

    I’m just glad I didn’t go with my first option: “Meth_Head_of_Reasoning”

    (a core curriculum pun)

    Lolz. Anywho, I hope everyone’s score is amazing! And remember: whether scores are released in an hour, on Monday, or after the 8th, your username could be a lot worse.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    This is turning into the official “PowerScore was wrong again” thread....

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    @Oldest_Trick_Inda_book said:
    So, I hope this makes everyone feel a little better:

    I got so inebriated two nights ago (from the sheer torture of applying to law school) I changed my username to “Oldest Trick In da Book” and forgot about it until this afternoon.

    I’m just glad I didn’t go with my first option: “Meth_Head_of_Reasoning”

    (a core curriculum pun)

    Lolz. Anywho, I hope everyone’s score is amazing! And remember: whether scores are released in an hour, on Monday, or after the 8th, your username could be a lot worse.

    You're awesome! The night of my Dec take I got drunk, perused the test thread, and responded to my own comment from earlier in the day.


  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    edited March 2018 262 karma

    I volunteer as tribute.

    I’ll refresh my page for the next 12 hours, yes ... overnight. i’ll keep watch in case the old gods or new gods intervene on the waiters behaves and post scores in the wee hours of the morning.

    so far. no sign of such grace.

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @HarvardHopeful said:
    I volunteer as tribute.

    I’ll refresh my page for the next 12 hours, yes ... overnight. i’ll keep watch in case the old gods or new gods intervene on the waiters behaves and post scores in the wee hours of the morning.

    so far. no sign of such grace.

    You're the best!

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    So I finally found some peace tonight. It's 11:59 pm, and today I woke up confident that scores would be released today. Tonight I am at peace with the fact that they weren't.

    The chardonnay really helped with that.

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    262 karma

    0125 hours.

    still no score. it’s not looking good.

    i’ll send smoke signals and distress call.

    there is still hope.

  • SeraephinaSeraephina Alum Member
    130 karma

    Still no score guys :(

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    edited March 2018 262 karma

    still no score, guys.

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    262 karma


    i think we all know by know: it’s most likely Monday, weekend if we’re lucky, Tuesday if we aren’t.

    i’m just an insomniac trolling 7sage as i binge watch Netflix.

    still not grey night.
    as you were.
    carry on.

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    262 karma

    @HarvardHopeful said:
    0125 hours.

    still no score. it’s not looking good.

    i’ll send smoke signals and distress call.

    there is still hope.

    no. no. no, there is no hope.

  • flaniganjdan2flaniganjdan2 Alum Member
    18 karma

    I appreciate everyone in this thread adding a little laugh to the anxiety and nervousness of waiting. Anyway I said Friday before but now it's prob gonna be Monday. Although I kinda hope that there is one button that, when pressed, releases all the scores, and someone like Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory is like "Ohhh what does this button do!?" and then bam all scores released.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    PowerScore Predictions for the Past Five Administrations

    February 2017
    PowerScore: Wed, March 1st, 2017 (
    Actual: Tue, February 28th, 2017

    Did PowerScore predict accurately?: NO

    June 2017
    PowerScore: Wed, July 5th, 2017 (
    Actual: Wed, July 5th, 2017

    Did PowerScore predict accurately?: YES

    September 2017
    PowerScore: Thu, October 12th, 2017 (
    Actual: Wed, October 11th, 2017

    Did PowerScore predict accurately?: NO

    December 2017
    PowerScore: Tue, January 2nd, 2018 (
    Actual: Fri, December 22nd, 2017

    Did PowerScore predict accurately?: NO

    February 2018
    PowerScore: Fri, March 2nd, 2018 (
    Actual: TBD

    Did PowerScore predict accurately?: NO

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    edited March 2018 1501 karma

    @akistotle said:
    PowerScore Predictions for the Past Five Administrations

    If they were going to be wrong this time, it's unfortunate that the scores couldn't have been released sooner than their prediction date, as looks to be a pattern. :(

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Guess it's probably going to be Monday or Tuesday. Pros and cons to both, I guess. Sorry that people are having to go through all this waiting. Hopefully you'll find some fun and relaxing things to do this weekend, though.

  • cstrobelcstrobel Alum Member
    228 karma

    I'm just telling myself that they had to redo everything to give us new, better curve :smile:

  • bdi0008bdi0008 Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    "A Note from LSAC’s New President Regarding Scores for the February 2018 LSAT

    I know that waiting on your scores is difficult, and I am writing to you to give you an update on where the process stands as of now.

    First, scores for the February test will be released as previously noted: Wednesday, March 7, in the early evening. The severe winter storm this weekend in the Northeast has not impacted our schedule.

    Second, we are making changes to permit quicker score releases in the future, while also maintaining our commitment to accuracy and fairness. We will have additional information on specifics later this spring.

    In the meanwhile, for the rest of 2018 we will set the release dates on the scores on an aggressive timeline to minimize your wait time, and stick to that schedule to minimize any anxiety about those release dates.

    I want all candidates to know that we will always put students first and work hard to support your journey to law school and the legal profession. Our justice system needs your help, and we are hard at work developing more and better ways to support your pathways. Keep your passion for law and justice.

    Best regards,
    Kellye Testy"

  • rnshumarrnshumar Free Trial Member
    68 karma

    wow, I'm surprised that they gave a specifc date and time... but ughh that date is so far way

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @bdi0008 said:
    "A Note from LSAC’s New President Regarding Scores for the February 2018 LSAT

    I know that waiting on your scores is difficult, and I am writing to you to give you an update on where the process stands as of now.

    First, scores for the February test will be released as previously noted: Wednesday, March 7, in the early evening. The severe winter storm this weekend in the Northeast has not impacted our schedule.

    Second, we are making changes to permit quicker score releases in the future, while also maintaining our commitment to accuracy and fairness. We will have additional information on specifics later this spring.

    In the meanwhile, for the rest of 2018 we will set the release dates on the scores on an aggressive timeline to minimize your wait time, and stick to that schedule to minimize any anxiety about those release dates.

    I want all candidates to know that we will always put students first and work hard to support your journey to law school and the legal profession. Our justice system needs your help, and we are hard at work developing more and better ways to support your pathways. Keep your passion for law and justice.

    Best regards,
    Kellye Testy"

    Where did you see this?

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    Nvm I see it! I am curious, when they said "as previously noted" referring to a release date and time as March 7th in the early evening, when and where was that previously noted? I have only seen March 8th as the projected release date.

  • bdi0008bdi0008 Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    I thought the same thing; "Previously noted" where??

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    Per Dave K:

    "LSAC has confirmed to me that Wednesday the 7th will indeed by the release date for this LSAT. So look for scores in that early evening period, which has often been around 4:30 PM Eastern!"

    Wow 1 day early. Lol boooooo

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    116 karma

    Lol just checked my account and seen it. Well at least I will be home from work once scores release :neutral:

  • ABCjordanABCjordan Alum Member
    59 karma

    who were the late test takers that everyone in this thread is talking about?

  • Jennifer-4Jennifer-4 Member
    72 karma

    @ABCjordan said:
    who were the late test takers that everyone in this thread is talking about?

    There were a few areas that canceled/postponed tests due to weather

  • BlinkexistsBlinkexists Free Trial Member
    63 karma

    Let the countdown begin!!!

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    Is "Kellye Testy" the real name of LSAC's "new president"????

  • hsanchez9159hsanchez9159 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I wonder if schools receive LSAT scores before we do??

  • cstrobelcstrobel Alum Member
    228 karma

    @hsanchez9159 said:
    I wonder if schools receive LSAT scores before we do??

    I've heard from others on different threads, that they generally get the scores the day after us

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    Unpopular opinion of the day: I'm glad I got to be a part of the terror/excitement/agonizing suspense that was grey day! If, as seems likely, LSAC is going to start announcing the release date ahead of time and in general providing some consistency, I think some of the "fun" is lost. Am i crazy?

  • OneFortyDotSixOneFortyDotSix Alum Member
    edited March 2018 634 karma

    I just want the nightmares to stop.

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @OneFortyDotSix said:
    I just want the nightmares to stop.

    I've literally had nightmares. Of opening my email to a terrible score.

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    edited March 2018 116 karma

    I truly hate this scoring process :neutral: to be told you have a score but it can't be disclosed until release day :-(

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    262 karma

    @tylerdschreur10 said:
    Unpopular opinion of the day: I'm glad I got to be a part of the terror/excitement/agonizing suspense that was grey day! If, as seems likely, LSAC is going to start announcing the release date ahead of time and in general providing some consistency, I think some of the "fun" is lost. Am i crazy?

    I can definitely see myself feeling like this after the present agony is overrrrrrr.

  • HarvardHopefulHarvardHopeful Free Trial Member
    262 karma

    @Golden54 said:
    I truly hate this scoring process :neutral: to be told you have a score but it can't be disclosed until release day :-(

    Ya. And I have anxiety & ADHD so i am obsessively refreshing my email, LSAC act, powerscore, 7sage, Twitter, Reddit & TLS forums as if they didn’t make it crystal clear release day is, infact, on Wednesday & as if refreshing just of those wouldn’t be enough for me to know that grey day is upon us.

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    116 karma

    @HarvardHopeful said:

    @Golden54 said:
    I truly hate this scoring process :neutral: to be told you have a score but it can't be disclosed until release day :-(

    Ya. And I have anxiety & ADHD so i am obsessively refreshing my email, LSAC act, powerscore, 7sage, Twitter, Reddit & TLS forums as if they didn’t make it crystal clear release day is, infact, on Wednesday & as if refreshing just of those wouldn’t be enough for me to know that grey day is upon us.

    I have bad anxiety and ugh I called LSAC a dozen times and even emailed 4 lol. I'm constantly checking as well. I hope to God I don't have to take this exam again :neutral: This is so frustrating and I'm constantly thinking about this exam...

  • rnshumarrnshumar Free Trial Member
    68 karma

    Not gonna lie, I'm so scared/nervous for wedneday. We'll get through this together guys!

  • Golden54Golden54 Free Trial Member
    116 karma

    @rnshumar said:
    Not gonna lie, I'm so scared/nervous for wedneday. We'll get through this together guys!

    Best wishes.1 more day in waiting :neutral: Hoping for the best!

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    I'm spent at this point

  • Aspiring1LAspiring1L Alum Member
    159 karma

    Big snow storm coming for the Northeast tomorrow. Lmao we can't catch a break!!

  • BlinkexistsBlinkexists Free Trial Member
    63 karma

    Im not going to sleep at ALL tonight ughhhh

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    I feel sick. What if I didn’t do well and all of this waiting for Feb was for nothing?? I really hate this

  • cstrobelcstrobel Alum Member
    edited March 2018 228 karma

    Ugh this weather is killing me. Oh ye snow, dandruff of the gods, why doth tho foresake us?!? :disappointed:

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