I feel like I’m going through different stages in this waiting process. Kinda like greif.
I passively accepted the wait time shortly after the test.
Then I was happy about it - didn’t want my score too soon so a potentially bad score wouldn’t interfere with my happy.
Then I just didn’t think i would survive the wait.
Then I was sad because I managed to convinced my self I’d failed.
For the last week I’d been anxious.
Now I’m a mix of anxious and upset. Many reputable entrance exams have rapid turn around times that don’t compromise the integrity or fairness of the exam. This month long wait is archaic & annoying. They need to use another testing company’s model and figure out a way to give us scores in a few days. Maybe we don’t all need to get our scores at the same time. Delayed exam - later score. They can upload the writing samples later. If they remove questions & answers from scoring and our scores change - oh wells - include a disclaimer. A month is insane.
@HarvardHopeful said:
For the last week I’d been anxious.
Now I’m a mix of anxious and upset. Many reputable entrance exams have rapid turn around times that don’t compromise the integrity or fairness of the exam. This month long wait is archaic & annoying. They need to use another testing company’s model and figure out a way to give us scores in a few days. Maybe we don’t all need to get our scores at the same time. Delayed exam - later score. They can upload the writing samples later. If they remove questions & answers from scoring and our scores change - oh wells - include a disclaimer. A month is insane.
I agree @HarvardHopeful . LSAC's method is truly archaic.
The month-long wait is truly traumatic for some of us. It takes every bit of energy for me to focus entirely on something else. If I don't, LSAT comes back and I start going through scary, unsubstantiated nightmares; leading me to doubt myself and my capabilities.
@OverRatedUnderAchiever said:
Another storm to be coming in where LSAC is located... I'm in NJ. It's supposedly coming tomorrow?
I'm in Jersey too, @OverRatedUnderAchiever . Do you think the oncoming storm will really slow down LSAC's efforts to get scores out tomorrow?
I agree! Why can't they give scores individually as it is graded. I have had this feeling that my test was graded some time ago and my score is just sitting somewhere that I cannot see. Why cannot they release scores individually as they are released? Why must we collectively suffer? I'm okay with someone getting their score before me.
the thing is, some of us (myself included) told schools we are applying to (for this upcoming cycle) to wait for the Feb score...so really, there IS no retake. This is it.
@HarvardHopeful said:
For the last week I’d been anxious.
Now I’m a mix of anxious and upset. Many reputable entrance exams have rapid turn around times that don’t compromise the integrity or fairness of the exam. This month long wait is archaic & annoying. They need to use another testing company’s model and figure out a way to give us scores in a few days. Maybe we don’t all need to get our scores at the same time. Delayed exam - later score. They can upload the writing samples later. If they remove questions & answers from scoring and our scores change - oh wells - include a disclaimer. A month is insane.
I agree @HarvardHopeful . LSAC's method is truly archaic.
The month-long wait is truly traumatic for some of us. It takes every bit of energy for me to focus entirely on something else. If I don't, LSAT comes back and I start going through scary, unsubstantiated nightmares; leading me to doubt myself and my capabilities.
@OverRatedUnderAchiever said:
Another storm to be coming in where LSAC is located... I'm in NJ. It's supposedly coming tomorrow?
I'm in Jersey too, @OverRatedUnderAchiever . Do you think the oncoming storm will really slow down LSAC's efforts to get scores out tomorrow?
You know what I also realized? Even after this month long wait, the score we get online ISN'T even our "official" score...at least I don't think it is!
@mcglz_64 said:
the thing is, some of us (myself included) told schools we are applying to (for this upcoming cycle) to wait for the Feb score...so really, there IS no retake. This is it.
I know, I know, same here. But in reality there is always next cycle. Don't give up hope. Tomorrow is the day we know that for sure. (I am totally stressed TF out though haha)
@lsatplaylist said:
They claimed the storm wouldn't delay score release in their online letter. Hopefully that's still the case.
I've heard that the release is largely automated, and that they likely just need someone in the building in case something goes wrong. Hopefully getting to their office is doable, then we would be all set.
Better yet, maybe they'll start it up late tonight and have it roll in the early morning.
@lsatplaylist said:
They claimed the storm wouldn't delay score release in their online letter. Hopefully that's still the case.
I think*** they said that the storm last week wasn’t the cause of last week’s “delay” [“delay” in regards to popular predictions for March 1st/2nd and based on recent releases being several days early causing an expectation that scores would be released in accordance with the popular predictions. Not a true LSAC delay since they always said March 8th.] There was a bad Nor’easter last week. Terrible enough that LSAC closed early on or around March 1st. I dont think they were reassuring us that this upcoming snow storm would not cause a delay this week.
Hopefully they surprise us with scores today......? Otheriwise - ya, if storm is bad we may not get them today or tomorrow.
Another storm to be coming in where LSAC is located... I'm in NJ. It's supposedly coming tomorrow?
I’m in Jersey too. Close to LSAC’s PA headquarters, actually. It’s supposed to start tonight around midnight and continue into the morning. Hopefully not bad though.
@HarvardHopeful said:
For the last week I’d been anxious.
Now I’m a mix of anxious and upset. Many reputable entrance exams have rapid turn around times that don’t compromise the integrity or fairness of the exam. This month long wait is archaic & annoying. They need to use another testing company’s model and figure out a way to give us scores in a few days. Maybe we don’t all need to get our scores at the same time. Delayed exam - later score. They can upload the writing samples later. If they remove questions & answers from scoring and our scores change - oh wells - include a disclaimer. A month is insane.
I agree @HarvardHopeful . LSAC's method is truly archaic.
The month-long wait is truly traumatic for some of us. It takes every bit of energy for me to focus entirely on something else. If I don't, LSAT comes back and I start going through scary, unsubstantiated nightmares; leading me to doubt myself and my capabilities.
@OverRatedUnderAchiever said:
Another storm to be coming in where LSAC is located... I'm in NJ. It's supposedly coming tomorrow?
I'm in Jersey too, @OverRatedUnderAchiever . Do you think the oncoming storm will really slow down LSAC's efforts to get scores out tomorrow?
It depends because as far as I have heard, it is coming in at 4am... since PA is not far from us, they usually get it worse than us in times like this regarding the snow.
@mcglz_64 said:
I’m confused though. Why DOES it take so long? What do they do in their process that it takes so long to grade a scantron?
I think [and this is not based in fact. i know absolutely nothing about how their processes works...] I think it’s simply the fact that they have one main office + there are hand written components + the time they allow to cancel means they “have to” wait and see to a certain extent + the variation in test dates due to reschedules / weather + the good ole “it’s always been done this way” combined with the lack of competition in Law School Admission Tests means they’ve never really needed to explore wether there was a need to improve or speed up the process - competition ignites improvement. Additionally Everyone’s understood and accepted the time it takes for scores. They could literally pop a scantron in a machine & have scores in a week and work out kinks on the back end. Fast scores benefits only the test taker: they didn’t have a business need to expedite. It worked so I’m sure in business meetings “let’s get scores faster” just never came up.
Now that they could lose money to the GRE if it becomes a true competitor, I think they’ll definitely put themselves in the test takers’s shoes & balance speed with quality.
The fact that scantron test results take an entire month to get released is both frustrating and archaic. Despite whatever rationale is offered, I can't make that make sense in my head.
Just hung up with LSAC: Scores are being released tomorrow afternoon I hope we all get the scores we're looking for God's will.... Someone should call to verify as well lol my lunch is over and they close at 4:30 pm.
@bdi0008 said:
The fact that scantron test results take an entire month to get released is both frustrating and archaic. Despite whatever rationale is offered, I can't make that make sense in my head.
I agree. I had to search the depths of brain to come up with the explanation I proposed above. & Rationale doesn’t excuse it at all. It actually kinda makes it worse. somehow knowing that they are going to start doing it quicker is additionally annoying Bc it confirms the obvious: quicker than a MONTH is within the realm of possibility [Hello year 2000 and the minor technological advances that certainly made even a few day turnaround time possible] ... so why not take the initiative to speed things up long ago? why now? Because your company is threatened by the competition of the GRE? selfish.
@Golden54 said:
Just hung up with LSAC: Scores are being released tomorrow afternoon I hope we all get the scores we're looking for God's will.... Someone should call to verify as well lol my lunch is over and they close at 4:30 pm.
@Golden54 said:
Just hung up with LSAC: Scores are being released tomorrow afternoon I hope we all get the scores we're looking for God's will.... Someone should call to verify as well lol my lunch is over and they close at 4:30 pm.
I volunteer as tribute. Calling now. One sec.
Ya. tomorrow evening. Gonna be the longest 26+/- hours of my life.
@Golden54 said:
Just hung up with LSAC: Scores are being released tomorrow afternoon I hope we all get the scores we're looking for God's will.... Someone should call to verify as well lol my lunch is over and they close at 4:30 pm.
Honestly I'm feeling really paranoid about RC. Is it just me, or did the passages actually seem pretty easy too understand? ( and also kinda intersesting, which is a shocker) Now I'm thinking that I messed up on it though because it went too well (except for the last passage, which I didn't have too much time to do)
@rnshumar I feel the same way! Especially when people have been saying how hard the questions have been, I've been super nervous. Hope your gut feeling is on point! ?
@rnshumar said:
Honestly I'm feeling really paranoid about RC. Is it just me, or did the passages actually seem pretty easy too understand? ( and also kinda intersesting, which is a shocker) Now I'm thinking that I messed up on it though because it went too well (except for the last passage, which I didn't have too much time to do)
I said the same thing!! RC is usually my hardest section as far as time goes and I budgeted to get through 3 well and nearly finished them all. Soooo weird-not a good weird!!
@rnshumar said:
Honestly I'm feeling really paranoid about RC. Is it just me, or did the passages actually seem pretty easy too understand? ( and also kinda intersesting, which is a shocker) Now I'm thinking that I messed up on it though because it went too well (except for the last passage, which I didn't have too much time to do)
I said the same thing!! RC is usually my hardest section as far as time goes and I budgeted to get through 3 well and nearly finished them all. Soooo weird-not a good weird!!
I thought it was easier as well. There were fewer subjective/author's tone questions which are always tough for me.
also is anyone else getting emails from schools that you weren't getting contacted by earlier?
@mcglz_64 said:
I thought for a while that it was the curve but I read somewhere that they decide the curve even before administering the test
Do you remember where you read that? If true that's crazy, IMHO the only rational reason for the delay is if the curve is based on our actual results, hence the need to wait for delayed testings plus some time to evaluate, set the curve, and score tests accordingly.
If they set the curve ahead of time...what is going on for a month!!!
I didn't even test in February and I'm getting anxious! You guys stay positive and hopeful! remember not score is fatal, as terrible as it sound, retaking is ALWAYS a possibility!
@rnshumar said:
Honestly I'm feeling really paranoid about RC. Is it just me, or did the passages actually seem pretty easy too understand? ( and also kinda intersesting, which is a shocker) Now I'm thinking that I messed up on it though because it went too well (except for the last passage, which I didn't have too much time to do)
I said the same thing!! RC is usually my hardest section as far as time goes and I budgeted to get through 3 well and nearly finished them all. Soooo weird-not a good weird!!
I thought it was easier as well. There were fewer subjective/author's tone questions which are always tough for me.
Wait. whats REALLY weird about you guys saying that is that I feel the exact same way and I didn’t take the same test as you guys. [Unless you are all sabbath takers]?
I got a 168 in Dec. I am certain I lost most of those points on RC... as per my PT usual. RC is always my weakest & under timed test taking pressure it’s a fog: i never quite get what I’m reading, even easy passages. Never in my life before Feb 18 was RC a breeze. I can, to this day, tell you what all 4 topics were and summarize the passages super coherently. The topics were boring but It felt like I read interesting blogs on 4 of my favorite topics written by a teenager.
@terrynicholasj said:
The hard thing for me to always remember is that this is a scaled exam. If one section was easier for you it was probably easier for everyone else.
I totally botched Dec. Exam so hoping this one went better.
Trueeee. That explains why from one test to another people’s PT scores tend to be the same despite what section felt harder or easier than normal.
Also kinda depends on your strengths too? For me sometimes it does. Give me the hardest LG paired with easier RC any day. I’ll take all the mauve dinosaurs and computer viruses & for the Love or God, You guys can have the riddled basins and Chinese talk stories. I do better despite the curves when the tests are like that. That made the difference between my upper 170s PT & my lower 170s. how hard RC vs LG was.
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
@HarvardHopeful said:
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
Lol, I think there is roughly a 25 percent chance that LSAC's system is literally a single button. They take turns after each administration presiding over the button, and the hopes of thousands rest on the whims of Jeremiah the accountant this time. In December Stacy from HR got drunk and tweeted out that she was going to push the button early. The higher-ups deleted her tweet, but it was too late, they couldn't risk the karmic retribution of interfering with the sovereignty of that month's button pusher. And thus did we rejoice in the streets at the merciful whim of a mysterious organization, shrouded in the mist of archaic rote process.
@HarvardHopeful said:
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
Lol, I think there is roughly a 25 percent chance that LSAC's system is literally a single button. They take turns after each administration presiding over the button, and the hopes of thousands rest on the whims of Jeremiah the accountant this time. In December Stacy from HR got drunk and tweeted out that she was going to push the button early. The higher-ups deleted her tweet, but it was too late, they couldn't risk the karmic retribution of interfering with the sovereignty of that month's button pusher. And thus did we rejoice in the streets at the merciful whim of a mysterious organization, shrouded in the mist of archaic rote process.
@HarvardHopeful said:
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
Lol, I think there is roughly a 25 percent chance that LSAC's system is literally a single button. They take turns after each administration presiding over the button, and the hopes of thousands rest on the whims of Jeremiah the accountant this time. In December Stacy from HR got drunk and tweeted out that she was going to push the button early. The higher-ups deleted her tweet, but it was too late, they couldn't risk the karmic retribution of interfering with the sovereignty of that month's button pusher. And thus did we rejoice in the streets at the merciful whim of a mysterious organization, shrouded in the mist of archaic rote process.
This made me laugh out loud
when something is funny i usually type “literally dying”. i’ve never meant it. till now.
I do this obnoxious open mouth inhale before i laugh out loud sometimes. It’s involuntary. judge me if you must. I’m currently eating stew and read the reply from @tylerdschreur10
i literally laughed out loud. inhaled the stew. stew droplets are in my lungs. I’m fairly certain that aspiration pneumonia is brewing. So literally LOL & literally dying. dead. flatlined. it’s fine. cremate me. lolololol.
I work from home, I access my office computer at home and have logins to my co-workers' computers too if need be. All fancy high tech programs I access right at home through Microsoft's remote login feature. I am sure the LSAC could do this.
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
It is also a state of emergency in NJ, it will not shock me if they are unavailable tomorrow.
I feel like I’m going through different stages in this waiting process. Kinda like greif.
I passively accepted the wait time shortly after the test.
Then I was happy about it - didn’t want my score too soon so a potentially bad score wouldn’t interfere with my happy.
Then I just didn’t think i would survive the wait.
Then I was sad because I managed to convinced my self I’d failed.
For the last week I’d been anxious.
Now I’m a mix of anxious and upset. Many reputable entrance exams have rapid turn around times that don’t compromise the integrity or fairness of the exam. This month long wait is archaic & annoying. They need to use another testing company’s model and figure out a way to give us scores in a few days. Maybe we don’t all need to get our scores at the same time. Delayed exam - later score. They can upload the writing samples later. If they remove questions & answers from scoring and our scores change - oh wells - include a disclaimer. A month is insane.
Can't think like that!!! You also can retake it of course depending on the cycle you're applying
Another storm to be coming in where LSAC is located... I'm in NJ. It's supposedly coming tomorrow?
I agree @HarvardHopeful . LSAC's method is truly archaic.
The month-long wait is truly traumatic for some of us. It takes every bit of energy for me to focus entirely on something else. If I don't, LSAT comes back and I start going through scary, unsubstantiated nightmares; leading me to doubt myself and my capabilities.
I'm in Jersey too, @OverRatedUnderAchiever . Do you think the oncoming storm will really slow down LSAC's efforts to get scores out tomorrow?
I agree! Why can't they give scores individually as it is graded. I have had this feeling that my test was graded some time ago and my score is just sitting somewhere that I cannot see. Why cannot they release scores individually as they are released? Why must we collectively suffer? I'm okay with someone getting their score before me.
Good luck to everyone! Hope your score is what you expect, but even if it's not there's always room for a retake
the thing is, some of us (myself included) told schools we are applying to (for this upcoming cycle) to wait for the Feb score...so really, there IS no retake. This is it.
You know what I also realized? Even after this month long wait, the score we get online ISN'T even our "official" score...at least I don't think it is!
@mcglz_64 is it not?
I actually thought it was the official score..
The score you get online is official. The email is unofficial.
ah! ok. I stand corrected.
I know, I know, same here. But in reality there is always next cycle. Don't give up hope. Tomorrow is the day we know that for sure. (I am totally stressed TF out though haha)
They claimed the storm wouldn't delay score release in their online letter. Hopefully that's still the case.
I've heard that the release is largely automated, and that they likely just need someone in the building in case something goes wrong. Hopefully getting to their office is doable, then we would be all set.
Better yet, maybe they'll start it up late tonight and have it roll in the early morning.
I think*** they said that the storm last week wasn’t the cause of last week’s “delay” [“delay” in regards to popular predictions for March 1st/2nd and based on recent releases being several days early causing an expectation that scores would be released in accordance with the popular predictions. Not a true LSAC delay since they always said March 8th.] There was a bad Nor’easter last week. Terrible enough that LSAC closed early on or around March 1st. I dont think they were reassuring us that this upcoming snow storm would not cause a delay this week.
Hopefully they surprise us with scores today......? Otheriwise - ya, if storm is bad we may not get them today or tomorrow.
wer> @OverRatedUnderAchiever said:
I’m in Jersey too. Close to LSAC’s PA headquarters, actually. It’s supposed to start tonight around midnight and continue into the morning. Hopefully not bad though.
It depends because as far as I have heard, it is coming in at 4am... since PA is not far from us, they usually get it worse than us in times like this regarding the snow.
I’m confused though. Why DOES it take so long? What do they do in their process that it takes so long to grade a scantron?
I thought for a while that it was the curve but I read somewhere that they decide the curve even before administering the test
OMG me too!! I had another nightmare last night where I got a 146 and had never improved at all from all the studying I did
i think the mania is setting in: feeling like i def got a 170 or higher.
probably 173-177.
SN: did anyone here take the Sabbath test?
I had a nightmare that I got “-0130” as in I saw my test with that mark on it. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. I’m scared
This thread is going to make my nightmares worse hahahaha
I think [and this is not based in fact. i know absolutely nothing about how their processes works...] I think it’s simply the fact that they have one main office + there are hand written components + the time they allow to cancel means they “have to” wait and see to a certain extent + the variation in test dates due to reschedules / weather + the good ole “it’s always been done this way” combined with the lack of competition in Law School Admission Tests means they’ve never really needed to explore wether there was a need to improve or speed up the process - competition ignites improvement. Additionally Everyone’s understood and accepted the time it takes for scores. They could literally pop a scantron in a machine & have scores in a week and work out kinks on the back end. Fast scores benefits only the test taker: they didn’t have a business need to expedite. It worked so I’m sure in business meetings “let’s get scores faster” just never came up.
Now that they could lose money to the GRE if it becomes a true competitor, I think they’ll definitely put themselves in the test takers’s shoes & balance speed with quality.
The fact that scantron test results take an entire month to get released is both frustrating and archaic. Despite whatever rationale is offered, I can't make that make sense in my head.
Just hung up with LSAC: Scores are being released tomorrow afternoon
I hope we all get the scores we're looking for God's will.... Someone should call to verify as well lol my lunch is over and they close at 4:30 pm.
I agree. I had to search the depths of brain to come up with the explanation I proposed above. & Rationale doesn’t excuse it at all. It actually kinda makes it worse. somehow knowing that they are going to start doing it quicker is additionally annoying Bc it confirms the obvious: quicker than a MONTH is within the realm of possibility [Hello year 2000 and the minor technological advances that certainly made even a few day turnaround time possible] ... so why not take the initiative to speed things up long ago? why now? Because your company is threatened by the competition of the GRE? selfish.
I volunteer as tribute. Calling now. One sec.
Ya. tomorrow evening. Gonna be the longest 26+/- hours of my life.
I went through so many phases during this waiting process too. Now I'm at the point that I don't want to see the score. Too scared.
Honestly I'm feeling really paranoid about RC. Is it just me, or did the passages actually seem pretty easy too understand? ( and also kinda intersesting, which is a shocker) Now I'm thinking that I messed up on it though because it went too well (except for the last passage, which I didn't have too much time to do)
@rnshumar I feel the same way! Especially when people have been saying how hard the questions have been, I've been super nervous. Hope your gut feeling is on point! ?
@cstrobel thanks, hope yours is too!
That's where I'm at too. Makin myself kind of sick at this point. I'm gettin super afraid to look at this point.
I said the same thing!! RC is usually my hardest section as far as time goes and I budgeted to get through 3 well and nearly finished them all. Soooo weird-not a good weird!!
I thought it was easier as well. There were fewer subjective/author's tone questions which are always tough for me.
also is anyone else getting emails from schools that you weren't getting contacted by earlier?
Do you remember where you read that? If true that's crazy, IMHO the only rational reason for the delay is if the curve is based on our actual results, hence the need to wait for delayed testings plus some time to evaluate, set the curve, and score tests accordingly.
If they set the curve ahead of time...what is going on for a month!!!
I didn't even test in February and I'm getting anxious! You guys stay positive and hopeful! remember not score is fatal, as terrible as it sound, retaking is ALWAYS a possibility!
Wait. whats REALLY weird about you guys saying that is that I feel the exact same way and I didn’t take the same test as you guys. [Unless you are all sabbath takers]?
I got a 168 in Dec. I am certain I lost most of those points on RC... as per my PT usual. RC is always my weakest & under timed test taking pressure it’s a fog: i never quite get what I’m reading, even easy passages. Never in my life before Feb 18 was RC a breeze. I can, to this day, tell you what all 4 topics were and summarize the passages super coherently. The topics were boring but It felt like I read interesting blogs on 4 of my favorite topics written by a teenager.
Weird ...
good? Maybe. Concerning? Definitely.
The hard thing for me to always remember is that this is a scaled exam. If one section was easier for you it was probably easier for everyone else.
I totally botched Dec. Exam so hoping this one went better.
Trueeee. That explains why from one test to another people’s PT scores tend to be the same despite what section felt harder or easier than normal.
Also kinda depends on your strengths too? For me sometimes it does. Give me the hardest LG paired with easier RC any day. I’ll take all the mauve dinosaurs and computer viruses & for the Love or God, You guys can have the riddled basins and Chinese talk stories. I do better despite the curves when the tests are like that. That made the difference between my upper 170s PT & my lower 170s. how hard RC vs LG was.
There is a state of emergency in this area [near LSAC]. Big snow storm is supposedly coming so there’s a strong chance that they will be closed. I hope the employee in charge took the big red “Send Score” button home with them tonight.
To all those who tested before us and are waiting:

Lol, I think there is roughly a 25 percent chance that LSAC's system is literally a single button. They take turns after each administration presiding over the button, and the hopes of thousands rest on the whims of Jeremiah the accountant this time. In December Stacy from HR got drunk and tweeted out that she was going to push the button early. The higher-ups deleted her tweet, but it was too late, they couldn't risk the karmic retribution of interfering with the sovereignty of that month's button pusher. And thus did we rejoice in the streets at the merciful whim of a mysterious organization, shrouded in the mist of archaic rote process.
This made me laugh out loud
when something is funny i usually type “literally dying”. i’ve never meant it. till now.
I do this obnoxious open mouth inhale before i laugh out loud sometimes. It’s involuntary. judge me if you must. I’m currently eating stew and read the reply from @tylerdschreur10
i literally laughed out loud. inhaled the stew. stew droplets are in my lungs. I’m fairly certain that aspiration pneumonia is brewing. So literally LOL & literally dying. dead. flatlined. it’s fine. cremate me. lolololol.
Oh guys... sorry, I know this thread is totally not for me and I hate to induce heart attacks, but LSAC just tweeted:
Scores are going to come out tonight, 10p ET.
LSAC has been kinda chaotic, both with the early December release (which was mis-announced 1 day early) and now this one. Gosh!
I work from home, I access my office computer at home and have logins to my co-workers' computers too if need be. All fancy high tech programs I access right at home through Microsoft's remote login feature. I am sure the LSAC could do this.
I think > @HarvardHopeful said:
It is also a state of emergency in NJ, it will not shock me if they are unavailable tomorrow.