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Hey guys, I'm in the process of wrapping up my CC within the next month or so and I was wondering if there is going to be BR study group for those of us planning for Nov 2018/Jan 2019 seating??? If so, I would love to join the group! I noticed the June 2018 group started a while back to give plenty of time to get through the PTs without rushing, so I just don't want miss out if this is already in motion!!!
I am taking it in November and I am looking for a study group or partner are you interested in doing so via Skype.
Glad to see this post concerning the November LSAT. I signed up for the 11-17 LSAT and would be very appreciative of being included in a study group. Currently, I am 60% through the CC and am working hard to be done by end of JULY.
Interested. Thanks for starting this.
Will definitely be interested in this. I was originally planning on September but I am leaning more so November now.
Yes I would be interested in this too!
Definitely interested!
Anyone that posted on here want to skype study? I am so over my head on where to start. Not too happy with my diagnostic test I took.
@helenamc80 what area seems to give you the most trouble?
Interested too!
Awesome to see some Nov/Jan peeps! @yvonne890330 @jimmyrivera201 @helenamc80 @FlashLSAT @lsatplaylist @Sadaf529 @jkjohnson1991 @cdaddario2 I started this thread to see if a BR group had been formed but it looks like there is not one yet. All of us are may still working through CC. Any idea of when you will have CC completed? We should prob get a BR group started end of July. If we wanna connect via skype as people move through the CC, that may be helpful for some too.
@annewr253 I am done with CC. I’m going back over some weaker areas but I could start a BR review whenever as long as I knew what PT to take. The plan is to now begin my PT’s in July, originally it was June as I was gunning for the September exam but there were/are still a few things I needed to brush up on. I want to take 16 PT’s bare minimum before exam.
Definitely interested
Hi! I'm taking the test in November and I'm interested
Hi! I am definitely interested. I was planning on taking in September but I don't think I will be ready.
Yes! Interested as well!
Interested, I might post-pone September or retake in November or Jan
How's everyone doing?
Hey lsatplaylist
Plowing through the CC, just hit 70% completion. I hope to finish by end of July and will be ready to work with the group then.
@cdaddario2, Is this a picture of your dog?
I'm so happy you're at 70%. I'm about 36% and have to get through it in the next few weeks to allow time to practice. Studying has been taking a very long time but I'm glad we're on this journey to new career opportunities.
Finished CC ~2 weeks ago. Working on untimed drills for LR, FPing PT 1-36 (at PT 3 now), and working on RC to figure out the strategy that works for me. Taking my first post CC PT this weekend. Hby?
I admire your courage re: first post-CC PT, @AshleighK. I bet it was a great feeling to finish the CC.
Thank you! It was. But I do revisit it for troublesome question types but it’s more of a refresher you know?
Yes, Im shooting to be done by the end of July as well. Really doing my best to move through and stay on it! Im at about 70% as well.
At lsatplaylist
Yep that is my dog, a three year old Doberman. Good luck with the CC. I found that 35%-55% was kind of a slog. I really had to put a lot into it to get the lessons down. I tried (and am still trying) to complete 1% a day. You may be able to move through the curriculum quicker than me.
@cdaddario2, Sweet dog picture. I'm working slowly but am grateful for the community and support.
I am right there with you. Great program and the support is unparalleled. Are you aiming for the November Test date?
@cdaddario2, Yes, provided I can work in enough hours to be test-ready. How about you?
@lsatplaylist Hi. Yeah I signed up for the November test date a couple of weeks ago. It is keeping my feet to the fire so to speak with my study schedule.
I am definitely interested in doing this. Originally i was planning for September but i am nowhere near ready for it, so November it is!
I am taking in November (or January) for the third and final time (I hope, lol)… I am interested in a study group/partner as well.
I just changed my mind from taking it in September to November, so I would definitely be interested.
I am working through the core curriculum again... I am really targeting November as my third and final take - the more study time I can get in the better!!!!
I am interested as well. I am just getting started on the CC. I hope to be ready by January (fingers crossed).
@gaflparalegal, We can do this. We're going to get through it.
Most definitely!! :-)
@gaflparalegal, Thanks! Also, how's everyone here doing?
Definitely targeting November as well!
November 2018 here, would love to join the group as well!
Same! I would love to join!
Is anyone interested in CC discussions and review together?
I am @lsatplaylist! I'm up to Sufficient Assumption and Pseudo-Sufficient Assumption question type.
@lsatplaylist I’m interested in CC discussion/review. I’m probably behind you guys as I literally just started, but I’d still be interested.
I am hoping to sit for the November exam myself so I am def interested in a study group. Hoping to finish CC by end of July, beginning of August.
I'm interested as well. I just started the CC also
Good luck in CC. I just started as well. We’ve got this!!!
I think we may be close to one another in the CC. I am shooting for completion end of July, first week in August. Currently I am at 73% completed, but I have slowed down a fair amount as I try and digest the LG complexities.
I am working full time and trying to put together a new study plan. Just curious how many hours others are putting into studying weekly (in preparation for the November test)?