Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Take time off for LSAT? - 7Sage Forum

Take time off for LSAT?

serolod94serolod94 Free Trial Member
edited October 2018 in General 11 karma

Hi everyone,

I've done a lot of research and know the LSAT is extremely important, especially with a low GPA.
I'm currently working full time and a full time student. I tried studying for the LSAT as well this semester; it was stressful. I'm suppose to be graduating December 2019 and applying in the fall of September 2019, to enter law school if all goes well the fall of 2020. Should I take the Spring semester of 2019 to focus on the LSAT for June and complete my law school application (personal statements etc.) or just manage my time better? If I take off the Spring semester 2019, I'll still be entering law school 2020. Graduating undergrad in May. Thank you for your help!


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    edited October 2018 3279 karma

    If you're working 40 hours a week, attending 15 hours a class a week, and spending time on those classes I don't think you can squeeze in studying for the LSAT. You should focus on getting top marks in those classes.

    I wouldn't even try nibbling at LSAT material now. If I had to do work and school full time, I would want to use any free time I had to relax.

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    I strongly advice against it. I'd also suggest taking an extended period off between school before going to law school. Slow down before you jump into something that will be a time sink in your life for three years.

    @10000019 gave you solid advice. Nibble away at it for a bit, focus on your GPA, and then take some time off for yourself before you jump in.

  • serolod94serolod94 Free Trial Member
    11 karma

    I took off three years in between, which is why I was considering taking a semester off since I would still be graduating in May. Thank you so much for you advice! I really appreciate your help!

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