In my BR review, I've discovered a few patterns and I'd like some input as to how I should go about fixing them.
In LR, I noticed that I make a lot of mistakes because I misunderstood something or didn't fully grasp a key term.
In RC, I have problems understanding what the question is asking me to do. On several occasions, I've found myself fully understanding a passage, only to spend more than half the time trying to figure out what the questions are referring to/asking of me.
In LG, I'm having timing issues. I can usually complete the game with a perfect score untimed, but almost never complete it under time constraints. Any suggestions on improving?
RC - try the LSAT trainer or the Manhattan RC guide... you sound like you need to learn to read in an LSAT specific style... look out for certain things... annotate the passage... be tuned to certain kinds of questions and learn to eliminate certain kinds of wrong answer choices. (is a MAJOR pain in the keyster in the beginning, but you get used to it )
LG - just keep on practicing... you'll get faster and better with time
OVERALL, it sounds like you're doing O.K. ... barring a few things... but you NEED TO SPEND MORE TIME with the materials. DRILL DRILL DRILL... BR - MM - FOOLPROOF!