I keep getting this annoying "html: network error" when I'm in the middle of watching a lesson. It's always almost halfway, lol ><". I'm using chrome. Is this something wrong with the site or with my computer? Is anyone else getting these messages?
Getting a tad exasperated. Just when JY gets to the juicy parts...
A couple of ways to trigger the error or sure (in other words, avoid doing these):
1. slow internet connection
2. multiple tabs with video loading simultaneously, which contributes to (1)
Meanwhile, you can prevent this from happening (at a trade off):
Go to your "Setting" on the top right.
Check the box that says "Use Flash Player (prevents html5 video errors)"
The flash player is not as good, but it won't give you HTML5 errors.
Please try it out and let us know if it helps!
More details here: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/336/videos-fail-halfway-thru