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Does it look bad to take lsat multiple times ?

christinagomez7738christinagomez7738 Alum Member
in General 120 karma

So I just got done sitting for the July 2019 lsat. I feel like this is my worst performance ever because some guy in front of me kept bouncing his leg and I could not for the life of me channel it out. I guess that’s my bad for not practicing in conditions where there might be distractions, but I feel as though it severely hindered my performance. This was my third time taking it...if I cancel my score and retake for free like we are given the opportunity to, does it look bad to admissions officers if I have three
Lsat scores in addition to one cancel ?? :(


  • SuperMario929SuperMario929 Alum Member
    464 karma

    Short answer: not really, they mostly care about your top score.

    Long answer: so I have taken the LSAT... too many times.

    • December 2014 (cancelled, mis-bubbled a section and couldn't fix before time was called); Feb 2015 (score counted). I used my Feb 2015 score, which I didn't love (166) and got accepted by 6 T-14 schools. I deferred on one T14 and accepted a PhD position instead at the same university. So that's 2 tests.
    • My advisors tell me that, if I want a law school teaching gig, I need to go to Harvard/Yale/Stanford, though where I am could also work but is not as good of an option for law school. I take: December 2015 (163, ugh!) and then February 2017 (166 again, ugh).
    • My deferred admission has lapsed, but I think I need a break from the PhD and decide to start my JD. I apply on the last possible day (don't do this kids) and luckily get accepted again. Unfortunately, due to my partner going to medical school, I actually have to move to a town with an even-more selective law school, so I turn them down a second time (feeling terrible about it) and just sat the July 2019 exam.

    I think that I can get in with a good LSAT score. So far, it hasn't stopped me having some success on the application front. I think you should be fine if you need to take it a fourth time. I got in with four scores on my record and that was on a last-minute re-apply for a school I had technically turned down once already, and I still got in. I'm not saying it's the best strategy, and I would make some note in your application about why you took it multiple times, but you should be ok.

    Good luck and sorry about today!

  • christinagomez7738christinagomez7738 Alum Member
    120 karma

    @SuperMario929 thank you for the thoughtful reply!! Retaking definitely isn’t ideal, I was a little worried it might look suspicious but what you said makes me feel better. Good luck to you as well!

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma

    I just published a new FAQ (stand by for announcement) that covers this:

    Let me know if the FAQ is useful / could be improved. (And it might still be buggy).

  • SuperMario929SuperMario929 Alum Member
    464 karma

    @christinagomez7738 said:
    @SuperMario929 thank you for the thoughtful reply!! Retaking definitely isn’t ideal, I was a little worried it might look suspicious but what you said makes me feel better. Good luck to you as well!

    Of course! You got this. Also, from having listened to some of the 7Sage podcast discussions with admissions officers, it seems like you can call them and ask if they care. I believe the Penn State admissions councilor was the one who talked about doing that as an option.

  • fycw2068fycw2068 Alum Member
    404 karma

    Just FYI,

    Does it help to retake LSAT after you apply?


    [ss_toggleable_text label="Longer answer"]

    Is nestled in the "Does it look bad to take the LSAT multiple times?" longer answer :)

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7478 karma

    @fycw2068 good catch. Fixed! Thanks.

  • christinagomez7738christinagomez7738 Alum Member
    120 karma

    @"David.Busis" thank you so much for the link because I had no idea that page existed! Very helpful information.

  • LouislepauvreLouislepauvre Alum Member
    750 karma

    4 times is generally fine. 6 is when you hit the “too much” mark.

  • christinagomez7738christinagomez7738 Alum Member
    120 karma

    @Louislepauvre Heard, hopefully fourth time is the charm then haha

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