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Huge fluctuations in practice test score

jjaaxxwwjjaaxxww Member
in General 6 karma

I have taken 10 practice tests with scores ranging from 166 to 180 since completing the course. There is no trend, just random fluctuations. The 180 would tend to show that I have somewhat mastered the material, and I would expect that if the tests were the same difficulty every year, I should settle down in the anyone else having this problem? It seems like some years the test is super easy and other years the questions are much more difficult.


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Post the actual scores (including sectional). Seeing your median and average score would be helpful. You could have a lone 180 followed by 9 166's in which case I would say you had a single fluctuation.

  • jjaaxxwwjjaaxxww Member
    6 karma

    As far as section by section, on the poorer scores there was a flub-up on the logic games causing several consecutive misses, and the better scores logic games are 100%. Obviously working towards getting greater consistency on that. The variation is in the LR and CR sections-sometimes I miss 8 and sometimes I miss none. That makes no sense to me if the tests are of even difficulty.

  • lsatprep1994lsatprep1994 Alum Member
    12 karma

    Realistically, what is a good practice test increase goal to shoot for in a 4 month period? #help

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