Any ideas about how to keep it together for the 2-4 hours before the 12 pm test? With the 8 am test - you just get up and go - but I'm a bit worried about what to do with my time before the LSAT. do I not ruin my day before I go in to take the test?
shower, eat breakfast, maybe a light workout, and practice a few LGs. Then get to the testing center early.
Just nervous about the extra time.
Seriously though ... I like all of the advice above. Maybe try to do something fun that totally takes your mind off the test. Go for a morning mini-hike? Provided you don't go somewhere where you will twist an ankle. Maybe a few laps on a paved path around a pond
'Sides, we're talking about someone who runs up and down El Cap (the SD version) like it ain't no thang ...
Amanda, is that you up there on the summit of El Cap?
A quick Google search will yield ample reading should you have ongoing interest in the effects of exercise on mental dexterity.
Yeah, I'm planning on either going for a walk outside - (fresh air and all) - or going to the gym for a light workout.
@AlexanderL0 I know that I'm going to have too much nervous energy - so getting rid of some of that should help.
But I plan on going through at least two test runs before June. It's hard to test it out because I usually have other things to do besides relax/ prep during the first part of the day before I take the test.
@pseudonymous I have a MENSA book of "mental challenges" - basically games that I do for fun when I still want to keep my brain going. I might do some of those - if I could ever solve a Rubik's cube, I would go for that, but I don't think now is a good time to start trying. lol.
But aargh - I'm already so nervous for June.