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Can we talk to proctor before Flex to resolve potential issues?

lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
in General 3190 karma

I took the May Flex exam and am signed up for July. I think I remember being able to talk to my proctor beforehand, like they talked to us and introduced themselves and made us follow the directions? That would be the best time to tell them about potential problems and stuff beforehand right? Like you could clear it up and be like please dont interrupt or if you find something wrong pause the time or whatever


  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    It wouldn't hurt to try. You should be able to message them before clicking the start test button.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Sounds like a good plan, and maybe ask if that person will be the proctor the whole time and if not, can they pass these instructions to the next person.

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Ugh honestly we shouldn't have to tell them how to do their job...

  • 124 karma

    I would definitely try. I had a good 1st proctor but the switch over was a disaster and the second proctor arrived from Dante's hell. I would also ask if they can avoid any pop ups on your screen during the transfer if it even has to occur as it is super distracting. My 2nd proctor refused to communicated with me.

  • sarahisksarahisk Member
    272 karma

    Hi I'm signed up for the July test and still don't quite get how ProctorU is supposed to work? Is there any explanation for proctor switch overs during the exam? And is there any way we could request to have one proctor through the entire exam? It honestly seems like the service LSAC has decided to use isn't well suited for the LSAT.

    I'm anxious enough about the exam already. Having a nightmare proctor is the last thing I want to worry about :/

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    @sarahisk Proctors don't necessarily change. They mentioned proctor changing in the video briefing before the exam, but mine didn't change. I don't think you can request to have just one proctor.

  • LSATLSAT-3LSATLSAT-3 Live Member
    edited July 2020 422 karma

    Bumping this. Very good questions @lexxx745 and others.

    Being able to communicate with proctors prior to the start of our exam would seem eliminate most of the problems previous Flex takers have reported. And avoid the distracting, unnecessary anxiety of not knowing what the hell to expect during our take.

    Anyone else know if it's possible to communicate prior to the start of our exam?

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    @JulyLSAT Yes, your proctor does talk to you in the check-in process, when you are showing them your workspace and going over rules.

  • ounaihsuanounaihsuan Member
    26 karma

    @noonawoon Thank you, I feel much better about ProctorU after seeing your response! I'm registered for the July Flex and am still trying to figure out if external webcams and monitors are permitted. Could anyone shine some light?

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    You mean the ones you'd use for the test? I'd maybe contact ProctorU through email and see what they say.

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