Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Blind Review worth it? - 7Sage Forum

Blind Review worth it?

I haven’t been doing BR because when I’m done with a PT I’m anxious to see my score. But I want to improve as much as possible and was wondering if there is a significant benefit to doing BR


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    Yes there is a significant benefit. If you take a PT and don't review, I don't really think there would be much benefit at all

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    i used to take practice tests without reviewing them. About 6-10x. My score never budged an inch.

  • Heinz DoofenshmirtzHeinz Doofenshmirtz Member
    481 karma

    Really the only way to improve your score in LR and RC in my opinion

  • vhumenyuk-1vhumenyuk-1 Member
    107 karma

    Doing PTs without blind reviewing them is just like checking your pulse all the time. You'll start getting real gains and learning from your mistakes only when you start doing BR.
    I'll put it in another way: doing PTs withour BR is the biggest opportunity you can use to maximize your potential. Not doing BR is probably the biggest mistake you can make in your LSAT prep.

  • hopefullinghopefulling Member
    edited September 2020 905 karma

    By not doing Blind Review, you're ALSO not giving yourself a chance to see how you would have performed on that PT without the time constraint (as your potential high-bar at that moment). ... Least of all what everyone else has said. BR is our chance to pull out information from what each question is testing: to really analyze the traps and to see the tricky bits in the stimulus as well as the logical structure - this isn't something we can do as in-depth with the time constraint. It's also a chance to fine-tune our methodological approach through repetition to advance when we are under the time constraint for the next PT.

    I personally would also worry that any improvement one thinks they're making (especially in LR) without BR is superficial and likely only a by-product of an easier test and not an actual understanding of the material through practice.
    Try it on your next PT even if just to compare to 'the way you've been doing it.' It might be the best way you see improvement, especially in LR. :smile:

  • 769 karma

    Thanks everyone

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