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Where to Start drilling?

gremckgremck Member
in Logic Games 102 karma

I've finished the core curriculum logic games section. I feel determined to finish -2 or -0 on the actual Logic Games section come January. When I did the core curriculum. I would do the section timed, blind review, watch the explanation, and usually when I finished the explanation video I would redo the game from scratch and do somewhere between -1 or -0 for those two games in that problem set.

Now that I've finished the whole Logic Games section of the course, I want to do 2 games a day, review them, and repeat the game until I miss none of the questions. I don't think this will take long because after I watch the explanation video, I usually don't miss much and finish with time left. But my question is, should I even bother with doing games from Prep Tests 1-35 since they're old? When I got to the MIsc Section of LG in the course, I noticed how different those games were and how I probably wont see them again in January, and would rather perfect the standard: linear, in/out, grouping etc. games. I'm thinking maybe from now till January I can focus on drilling the Newer/Newest Logic Games?? Thoughts? Also, before I found 7sage I used the LSAC prep books and completed like the first 10-15 Prep Tests that were released on my own, but before I did blind review and had all of the wonderful tricks and tips that I learned from 7sage.

Side note, I did the Logic Games from PT 43 recentlly and went -6. I didn't blind review or time that section, because I was just doing it casually with some Youtube in the background because I was bored.


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8485 karma

    ...I can focus on drilling the Newer/Newest Logic Games??

    I'd save at least 70's and 80's for full PTs.

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