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My dreams may not look like yours, but they came true!

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
edited February 2021 in Law School Admissions 1810 karma

I've been on here so long that I'm not sure if any of my study buddies are still here, but I will share some things I learned, in case it's helpful. I decided more than 3 years ago to go to law school to pursue a second career. (Note: Make sure you're not deciding IF you want to go to law school, but that you ARE going, before you even start the LSAT process.) My diagnostic was 148 and after studying with Powerscore, I scored a 152. Enter Loophole, Trainer and the entire 7Sage course (more helpful than all of the books), and I still NEVER scored above a 155. Was I working full-time as a managing editor? Yes. Did I score way higher on the PTs? Yes. Did it hurt me that I did too many PTs (quality over quantity, folks) and sometimes gave myself extra time on them? Definitely! Don't do that! As awesome as I was at the Games after I'd already done them once, the anxiety around facing fresh Games on each real test was just too overwhelming. That's where I lost points every time. But the reported score is all that matters. Except it's not! What matters is that I learned not to obsess. I'm passionate and diligent about studying, but it almost took over my entire life, and then I simply didn't let it. And I had so many luxuries: plenty of time, a master's in journalism, mad years of work experience (15) and a decent GPA (3.7). I also had the support group that this Forum provided me. I also workshopped my essays for a whole year. And if you're in any situation remotely similar, I highly recommend the Unlimited Admissions help on here. It has been a tremendous help, every step of the way (in fact, we're still not done). It's worth every penny. It really is true that you're more than your score, and here's proof (in reverse order of how much I wanted to attend):

Rutgers - Accepted ($$)
Temple - Accepted
GMU - who knows, who cares at this point
Loyola (LA) - who knows, who cares at this point
BC - WL - giving up my spot
UConn - Accepted ($)
St. John's - Accepted
GW - WL - giving up my spot
BU - Rejected
Brooklyn - Accepted ($$)
NYU - Rejected
Columbia - hasn't got around to rejecting me, but I'm not delusional
Fordham - WL (not quite giving up my spot yet just in case something crazy happens)
Cardozo - ACCEPTED YESTERDAY ($) and starting in May

Trust 7Sage. Get some experience. Get the highest score you can on this beast, but don't obsess. Don't let it take over your life. Take care of yourself. Do your research. Cast a wide net. Follow the wise words of Dean David Martinidez: “Do your own version of ranking specific to what is important to you. Why? ... Be passionate and pursue passions. Let us know how our school will benefit by admitting you."


  • Congratulations!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Congrats! It's great to know it's worked out for you.

  • McBeck418McBeck418 Member
    500 karma


  • cpccall608cpccall608 Free Trial Member
    140 karma

    Needed to hear this! Congratulations! I'm a fellow full-time journalist applying to really similar schools! You're giving me hope!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Congratulations that is awesome!!

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1011 karma

    Rutgers is my first choice. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations.

  • learn2skipQslearn2skipQs Member
    730 karma

    congrats & good post.

  • Jennifer 2021-1-1Jennifer 2021-1-1 Core Member
    204 karma

    Congratulations !!! Your hard work paid off. Well done

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma


  • englishteacherlawyerenglishteacherlawyer Core Member
    21 karma

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm in a similar situation and it's SO daunting, but hearing success stories such as yours is immensely helpful!

  • BadReasoning2022BadReasoning2022 Alum Member
    110 karma

    Happy year of the Ox!

  • gucgemotoogucgemotoo Member
    31 karma

    Congrats!!! I'm a non-traditional student like you. Just started the application process. When did you apply and how long before you heard back?

  • lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
    146 karma

    Bravo! Congratulations!!!

    I applaud your honesty and gracious willingness to share. As another non traditional student with lots of living and working behind me, the path forward has been more daunting than I expected, mostly derived from obsessing about a score and insecurity about my advanced age. Your story puts the 'audacity' back in front of my hope. It would be an honor to follow in your footsteps.

    I wish you the very best.

  • 14 karma

    Congrats! Oh man, I am writing for the Feb. LSAT and am looking forward to it for some weird reason lmao

  • Ali MarieAli Marie Member
    81 karma

    Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing.

  • 66_Umair_5566_Umair_55 Member
    73 karma

    Congratulations! This fully made my day. Had the biggest grin on my face while reading the names of the schools ; )

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