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Legacy 7sage courses not extending past July?

lottielottie Alum Member
edited February 2021 in General 17 karma

I have searched for about an hour and haven't found the information that I'm looking for so I'm hoping someone here could direct me to where this was mentioned but legacy accounts can't be extended so the price is jumping from 25$ a month to... what? $69? For the exact same information or is there going to be more included?


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited February 2021 5740 karma

    Hi @lottie,

    Legacy accounts can only be extended up to July 31, 2021. You can find this information on this page:

    If you need to use the course beyond this date, you will have to subscribe to our Ultimate+ subscription course. All of your account data will be preserved as long as you subscribe using the same email address.

    We have two versions of this course, monthly ($69/month) and yearly ($599/year). Both have access to the same content which includes all PrepTests ever published and video explanations for nearly every single question on those PrepTests.

    To clarify, about 9 months ago, LSAC completely overhauled their licensing program, introducing Prep Plus. We worked to shelter students with legacy courses from these changes while they finish their studies.

    However, as much as we'd like to not disappoint you, I'm afraid we won't be able to support legacy courses indefinitely.

    July 31, 2021 is about 1 1/3 years after we stopped offering the legacy courses on our site. We believed this was a fair period of time for students with legacy courses to finish their studies.

    Can you please reach out to us via and let us know when you will be done studying for the LSAT?

  • Seek-ingSeek-ing Live Member
    110 karma

    Hi Juliet, thank you for your comment! I'm just a little confused. What is "grandfathered legacy courses" actually? If we resubscribe after July 31 by paying a monthly or yearly fee, would we have access to the same materials that we see now on Ultimate+? And by switching to Prep Plus, can we still do practice tests the same way we do now? Thank you!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited February 2021 5740 karma

    Hi @"Seek-ing"

    Sorry for the confusion. "Grandfathered" or "legacy" 7Sage accounts, are accounts purchased before March 29, 2020.

    Yes, the Ultimate+ subscription courses have the same content as the legacy Ultimate+ course. You can continue to take PrepTests on our site as you have previously done with a legacy account.

    To clarify, the LSAC Prep Plus subscription is required to access the licensed content in your course. Prep Plus is a service provided by LSAC. It is a subscription that cost $99/year. LSAC requires that every student who wants to use a prep course that uses real LSAT questions must have an active LSAC Prep Plus subscription. That includes us, 7Sage, and any other LSAT prep course that uses real LSAT questions.

    Note that you only need one LSAC Prep Plus subscription no matter how many prep courses you use. That means that if you use prep courses from multiple companies, you don't need to purchase multiple LSAC Prep Plus accounts. You can use the same one.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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