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Study Slump

Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
in General 957 karma

Title gets to the point. Recently I've found myself in a slump -- less fired up about studying, hovering around the same section averages, PT scores dipping a bit from inconsistency, etc. I only have a few PTs left and I want to make them count. I guess my question is:

Have you experienced a study slump w/ the LSAT? How'd you break it and get back to trending up? I know those are broad, loaded questions lol.


  • Cravath170Cravath170 Core Member
    166 karma

    Ask yourself why you're taking this exam. I do it to give my future family and friends a better life. That's all the motivation I will ever need

  • RyanazRRyanazR Member
    208 karma

    I have had this a couple of times. It might be a sign of burnout. Take a week off and come back: if you are still experiencing a consistent slump after, then start looking into your "weaknesses."

  • brookegojazzbrookegojazz Core Member
    360 karma

    What ^^^ said! Take a break!!!

  • Briana 170Briana 170 Core Member
    70 karma

    Excellent question! Totally get what you mean as I am experiencing the same. I also have a new job that is giving me a kinda good excuse to not study as much as I need to be. My plan is to simply ease myself back into studying. I think I will try to at least study an hour 5-6 nights a week.

  • standingdeskguystandingdeskguy Yearly Member
    26 karma

    I've started to experience a similar thing. My scores are plateauing and I'm starting to worry that the stress of a new job is affecting my ability to focus. I decided to take a weekend off (normally these are my big study days). I came back on Monday feeling much better. (PT score wasn't that much better, but oh well :smile: ). I hope you get out of the slump, my friend.

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    957 karma

    Thanks @Cravath170 @RyanazR @brookegojazz - appreciate the input. I'm definitely going to try to cut back a bit.

    Also @"Briana 170" @standingdeskguy I can relate to the new job - I've found that looking at a screen for 8 hours a day and then trying to study is, well, less than ideal. But I guess we'll just have to push through it.

  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    Besides taking a week off to re-align yourself with your goals, I think one of the best things for study routines to keep you focused, energized, and motivated, is integrating the Pomodoro technique. I break it off into focused effort for 35min chucks and take a quick break (2-5min) in between each 35 min section. During the breaks I don't allow any stimulation (no phone or anything) and just do a meditation or some cardio. It has allowed me to study for more hours in a day because I don't feel as mentally exhausted. Also, nutrition and proper sleep play a big role in your mood/motivation levels. I am a big carb lover, but I have realized how tired it makes me when I try to study- if you are able, I would look into some science-based, nutrient dense diets, along with using a sleep tracker app to make sure you are giving your body the fuel it needs to thrive. This guy is a neuroscientist at Stanford and he has a lot of great videos published about these topics:

    Hope this helps!

  • FaviPapi-1-1FaviPapi-1-1 Member
    313 karma

    When I feel that way, I take a week off and do other stuff such as going out with friends and family members. Once that week is over, I retake the parts that I flagged (such as difficult arguments, games, or passages) of the past 10 PTs and evaluate myself. I hope that helps - good luck, bud.

  • yara12345678yara12345678 Alum Member
    69 karma

    go on zillow and look at nice expensive houses

  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    1050 karma

    @yara12345678 omg I love doing this. Dallas area is my go to and I don't even live in Texas anymore lol... so many absurdly expensive and lovely homes.

  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    edited April 2021 1384 karma

    I sometimes scan the discussion forums and #help hashtag posts to see if there's another person or two I can help explain something to. And I really deep dive into what I hope will be a helpful explanation for that person.

    It's a confidence boost when the OG poster replies they get it afterwards. Plus, after doing this, your mind is on analytic-overdrive (thus a good warm-up, too!), and so you kind of get to act like a mini-tutor for a moment, and you hone your own approach and analysis to solving the particular problem type it was.

    I dunno why, but the thought that I could help explain something to someone is motivational in showing me that I get this test at least this much to say something about it.

    Oh, and rest/sleep as @st_cupertino mentions. Getting enough sleep is powerful. I have to keep telling myself this, but I learn the lesson anew ALL the time.

    Cheers, you got this!

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    957 karma

    @st_cupertino @FaviPapi @yara12345678 @"Lime Green Dot" I'm going to incorporate all this advice. Thanks for the support!

    More of an Austin guy myself @"Burden.of.Floof" but I guess I can check out Dallas :smile:

  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    @yara12345678 lol :,) Zillow is such a go-to

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