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1) Which tests to BR
My top priority is to get all the way through PT75 (June '15). I'm sure this is your priority, too. We have 34 sessions between now and September 30th if we meet twice weekly (with PT65 happening this Saturday), which should be the last group call for the Oct 3rd test.
That means we have to make a choice between:
1) Starting with PT36, making it to PT51 on August 1st, and then skipping ahead to PT59 on August 5th. That would mean we would skip tests that the group has already BR'ed (but I recognize that new people might not want to skip these tests).
2) Starting with PT45 and going all the way through to PT75. This is better for those who favor exposure to the newer tests over exposure to older tests. On the whole, this one would be my recommendation, but I want to see if others have a preference.
My question to you: Which course do we follow?
2) When to do the groups
I propose the following. Please either respond to this thread or PM me if you have strong objections.
—Every Saturday at 8pm EST (note the time change). Our sessions have been averaging around 3 hours (shorter than previous sessions) and I do not think 11pm is too late for most of the East Coasters to wrap up the call.
—Every Wednesday at 8pm EST (if we have a lot of West Coasters who work full time, we can perhaps find some wiggle room depending on how long your commutes are. I hesitate to set it any later as that would push the East Coasters near midnight by the time we finish)
My question to you: Do these days work for you?
To all who have participated or reached out to me about participating: Please make your lovely voices heard!
@Jengibre @jyang72 @susan777 @Matt1234567 @majilacudy3 @brna0714 @hj060815 @a554n558 @mpits001 @alexandergreene93 @woodyhey @iampenpal @sierravs @JMelissaRoby @bcervant @nvenega63 @jenifferk @gstar2015 @hylycdi! @ddakjiking @asamarie @lschoolgo @matthewj @btdean82 @louis2014 @mandavni @Afterthought @sagarpa @nye8870 @"C-A-T spelt dog" @"Jordan McMahon" @victoriap7 @"Quick Silver" @mariii_m @pujals @coreyjanson @clarkwass @jihyun.lee @lsathopeful @nch2092 @mkulkarni713 @"Matthew LLC"
1) LSATurday: Take PT at 8:30AM. BR that bad boy on my own, as time allows. Join group BR at 8pm EST.
2) Monday: Take PT at 6pm. BR that puppy on Tuesday, again, as time allows. Join Wednesday group at 8pm EST.
A note to people who have lives/families: Don't sweat it. Take the weekday PT whenever. Try to take the whole thing. If you can't, no prob; just join for the sections you were able to take. You'll still win by joining with others discussing the material. Drop off the call for the sections you weren't able to take. Or, just join us for one of the calls.
Remember, it's all win/win and LSAT Love.
Yes to starting at 45! (although I'm also fine with going back to 36)
Hmmm...actually. This is tough. How much will we remember? I've retaken some tests myself and haven't had much recall (just a couple LR questions per section ringing bells and vague recollection of RC). But I wonder about redoing the tests we've gone through at length. Will we remember a lot more? Is that even bad?
I think starting in the 40s is better because that way we can BR two tests a week and finish PT 74 and 75 the week before the exam.
@ddakjiking Hopefully there will be no need for another retake. 7sage has provided you with the tools necessary to succeed. Best of luck!
See probably I will come in either Weds or Sats.
One final request ... If anyone tagged in this post does NOT plan to do BR groups (those of you who are taking on Monday, PM me if you end up eventually wanting to join or rejoin the group
Is there any way that we can have the BR group on Tuesday nights instead of Wednesday, or is Wednesday the only day that works for everybody else?
Thank you for putting this together~
PT45 will be the kick-off test for this round due to strong consensus; for now, let's assume it will be this Wednesday at 8pm EST.
For those who can't join exactly at that time, just join when you can for this one. We'll be able to get a better sense of who's got a long commute on the West Coast once we see how things shake out, what schedule adjustment[s] might be necessary for the weekday session.We all want to accomodate one another, so just make your voice[s] heard (either in this thread or PM me).
I likely won't be on this week's Wednesday call (trial prep) but hopefully this will be the only one I'll miss; it'll be great, just follow the BR song in your heart
Wednesday is impossible for me until September. Let me know what the group's consensus is.
Also, due to work piling up this week, I haven't taken pt 45 yet but I still want to join the BR you think it would still be beneficial to simply hear the discussion and follow along if only as a way to see how the group works? or is it better to skip out on it and do the PT instead (and BR by myself lol)?
Looking forward to sharing the LSAT journey with you all.
Skype: ... don't have one (yet). Is this how everyone is dialing in?
Also, I noticed in an earlier response that you are PTing Mondays and Saturdays, with BR on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. What are you doing on Thursday, Friday and Sunday? Drilling? Taking time off?
I want to add in drilling during my off days (away from PTing and BR) but not really sure how to go about organizing the drilling sets. I am not sure where my weak areas are yet, so I'd like to just add sets in whenever I can. I am wondering what your strategy/organization was like.
@nye8870 There's no Google calendar yet (because the remaining shreds of my sanity take precedence over organization at the moment ^_^;;;;;).
This week (all at 8pm EST):
Tonight: PT49
Friday: PT68
Saturday: PT50