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No option to see eliminated answers after preptest

ray_dawgray_dawg Member
edited August 2022 in General 46 karma

Please give us the option to see which answers we eliminated/crossed out when looking at our preptest answer results. This would help us see our original thought processing when blind reviewing and when going over final results.


  • dmlang22dmlang22 Member
    130 karma

    second this!

  • u______uu______u Alum Member
    233 karma

    You can actually see them if you go to "Show questions." The answer choices you eliminated will be greyed out and have a little "x" on the way right.

  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1606 karma

    @u______u said:
    You can actually see them if you go to "Show questions." The answer choices you eliminated will be greyed out and have a little "x" on the way right.

    Thank you for your help, this is correct!

    Hi @ray_dawg @dmlang22,

    If you want to see the answer choices you eliminated after reviewing your results, you can do so by selecting the "Show Questions" button. Please see the sample GIF below:


    The answer choice you eliminated during the timed section of the Problem Set/PrepTest will have a gray "x" on the right side while the answer choice eliminated during your blind review will have a blue "x" on the right side of the answer choice. Please see sample screenshot below:


    I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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