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Difference between Volume 1 and 2

siobhan234siobhan234 Live Member
in Logic Games 14 karma

Hello! I am new to 7Sage and am a little confused on the setup. I noticed there is an option to choose volume 1 or 2 and they each have different amounts of lessons and required hours. I did not realize there were two volumes of study material and have been going through logic games on volume 2, which has less material. Which one are we supposed to be choosing?


  • Mary - Student ServiceMary - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    930 karma

    @siobhanbuckley234 Hey there! The difference between CCv2 and CCv1 is that CCv2 presents LR through a more streamlined and unified theoretical framework. It's not completely different from CCv1, but we thoroughly explained LR in CCv2. The RC and LG lessons in both CCv1 and CCv2 are the same; we just removed the old lessons in CCv2, and are still adding new ones.

    If you're already studying CCv2, we generally recommend staying on CCv2 completely since Version 2 teaches Logical Reasoning more efficiently and effectively.

    Please note that the current lessons in CCv2 are sufficient to follow. However, if you wish, you can still access the older lessons in CCv1.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.

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