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Should I cancel my score?

julias2002julias2002 Alum Member

I took the LSAT for the first time in August and scored a 156. I am retaking in October and applying for Fall 2024. Should I cancel or keep my score? My problem was timing as I ran out of time on the test. I am confident that I can improve my October score by increasing my speed. My fear is that if I cancel this score and do not do well in October that I will be screwed when it comes to getting my application in this cycle. Any advice?

LSAT score
  1. Should I cancel my score of 156?96 votes
    1. Yes, cancel it
    2. No, keep it


  • learaee73learaee73 Core Member
    41 karma

    keep it! not a bad score at all! improvement will only look better on applications

  • mikalyn.greenzweigmikalyn.greenzweig Alum Member
    514 karma

    I second @learaee

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Dropping your score has no benefit at all since law schools only take your highest score. No reason to waste the money

  • amdhill08amdhill08 Alum Member
    120 karma

    Up to you. I cancelled my first lsat score of 151 because it was so low and that wasn’t what I wanted admissions to see. I wonder now if I should have kept it, because my second score was so much better and would have shown improvement to the admissions team. It depends on what school you are looking at also. A 151 was barely acceptable to get into the schools I want to attend, a 156 is an average score for many schools and certainly wouldn’t look bad for you.

  • thomaso3thomaso3 Alum Member
    16 karma

    Having a score that will get you in a least somewhere takes that pressure off of October too. I think it really helped me when I re-took in August, knowing that I at least had a workable score to fall back on if I needed it.

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    Call admissions of your top schools and ask if they average or take highest.

    If you can show improvement in Oct, that would look good on you I think?

    What is the score you 'want' for admissions/scholarships?

  • josephdschmidt3josephdschmidt3 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    Thanks for the suggestions.

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