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How to Proceed after scoring bad again!

Justice CMJustice CM Alum Member
edited November 2023 in November 2023 LSAT 38 karma

Hey, I need some guidance.
In January I scored a 145 (self study for 6 month while working full-time) and I just scored 147 (using 7Sage studying for 5 months while working part-time). My desired school has an LSAT median score of 157 and I planed on applying before their February priority deadline. Should I take the LSAT again in January and apply past the priority deadline? In geanral any advice and suggestions is appreciated.


  • LegallyLSATLegallyLSAT Alum Member
    172 karma

    I would only take the January if you’re working a PT/no job at all. It might be difficult to jump 10 points within just one month. Not impossible though.

    I’m retaking for February and I got a 143.

  • Justice CMJustice CM Alum Member
    38 karma

    @legallyLSAT thank you for that good luck on the February test.

  • kayrenhlkayrenhl Alum Member
    19 karma

    In the same boat, studied for 4 months self study while working a full time job. I keep score in the 147 -148 range and I'm feeling very defeated. I signed up for the Jan. 2024 test. I say take it in January and apply anyway.

  • B_MaximumB_Maximum Core Member
    192 karma

    I scored 143 in January 2023 and have been studying - fulltime - since February 2023 (approximately 12 hours per day. I completed the loophole, On Demand Powerscore Course, and re-challenged PT1-63 4X (LR, AR, RC). I have not taken a day off since February 2023. Best of luck to my fellow brothers and sisters on this thread. I am rooting for all of you. My goal is to score as close as possible to 160 or 160.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Your scoring should call your timeline. I wouldn't retake until you reasonably believe you can achieve your goal score. What you've been doing so far isn't working. What will you do differently this time?

    Sub-150 scoring typically indicates issues with foundational concepts. The CC (or any basic course/prep system/book) should get you into the high 150s. But you have to (1) do the work, to the point that you (2) actually understand the concepts.

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